
broadway怎么读: 音标['brɒ:dwei]
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◎ broadway是什么意思

n. 百老汇大街

n. a street in Manhattan that passes through Times Square; famous for its theaters


1. The broadway theatre in cleveland, not new york.

克利夫兰的百老汇 不是纽约的

2. It's just a matter of time before broadway calls.


3. She has more sizzle now that that play she wrote is going to broadway.

她现在可火了 她写的剧 已经进军百老汇了

4. 6th and broadway. I got a shooter,possibly two.

在第6大道 殺手有槍 可能有兩個人

5. He also enjoys broadway shows, long walks on the beach.

他喜欢百老汇戏剧 在海滩漫步

6. And it turns out there was a broadway producer in the audience who saw me, and he offered me a play.

原来观众当中有个百老汇制片人 看到了我的表演 他邀请我去演话剧

7. Broadway and become a legend in my place, she's got another thing coming.

去百老匯成為傳奇 那她就大錯特錯了

8. Sure, the sets were flimsy and the costumes cheap, but to us, it might as well have been broadway.

当然了 布景很水 戏服很廉价 但对我们来说 和百老汇没区别
