
midday怎么读: 音标['middei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ midday是什么意思

n. 正午, 中午
a. 正午的

n the middle of the day


1. It was then after midday when we get there.


2. It's a midday run. I could do it in my sleep.

就是个午间小差 我闭着眼都能做好

3. If I'm not back by midday, we have our priest.

如果我中午还没回来 我们有神父

4. By midday, the team reach the plateau.

中午时刻 队伍抵达高原

5. And I hope you'll join us for our midday meal.

另外 我希望你能一起来吃午餐

6. The king has requested that you join him for his midday meal.


7. If I fail to return, it will be delivered by midday.

如果我没能活着回去 这封信会在中午前寄出

8. The prisoners must not return until the midday bell.


9. Uh, I have some business for us to attend to before midday.

中午之前 我们有事要处理

10. There's a housekeeper at midday to do a tidy and take laundry.

