
staged怎么读: 音标[steidʒd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ staged是什么意思

a. 分期的

a. written for or performed on the stage


1. There is the optical stage, the illumination stage and the maskholding stage.

镜片 光源 还有固定样本的地方

2. The sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage.

感觉运动阶段 前运算阶段 具体运算阶段 以及形式运算阶段

3. Life is a stage, and the stage is my life.

生活就是舞台 舞台就是我的生活

4. I may not know stage left from stage right.


5. See, I'm supposed to be on stage here tonight, and for some reason, you're on stage.

今天本来应该是请我上台的 但是不知为什么 你却上了台

6. You wouldn't be on this stage if you weren't.


7. But that's just the first stage. It's a great stage, yes.

但这不过是基础部分 很棒 的确

8. I was on the stage, freezing up from stage fright, until I saw my dad.

我在台上 吓得不敢动弹 然后我看到了我爸

9. We're just, you know, getting a feel for the layout of the stage our stage.

只是想找找舞台整体的感觉 这是我们的舞台
