
cybernetics怎么读: 音标[,saibә:'netiks]
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◎ cybernetics是什么意思

n. 控制论
[计] 控制论

n. (biology) the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems)


1. My arm is pretty *ashed up, and though I can fix it it presents a bigger problem, which is I've got a cybernetic arm and two cybernetic legs, a body packed full of 22ndcentury technology, and what I've got to support it is only the crap down here I was able to salvage.

我的手臂撞毁了 虽然我能把它修好 但这体现了更严重的问题 我有一条机械臂和两条机械腿 一个载满22世纪科技的身体 而能为其所用的 只有我在这里能找到的这些废品

2. And the cybernetics, the coming of the robots.


3. But I don't see any more cybernetic growth.


4. I was taken out by one of your cybernetic recruits.


5. That is correct short for cybernetic organi*.

没错 那是生控体系统的简称

6. I have a cybernetic hand. I've been to an another planet.

我有一只机械手 去过别的星球

7. I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft.


8. I've removed my cybernetic arm, and I was ready for regeneration.

我卸下了机械手臂 准备好进行手臂再生

9. We have been tracking you for some time, via your cybernetic implants.

我们使用你们所植入的控制芯片 已经追踪了你们那一段时间

10. He's the world's number one authority on cybernetics.

