
devastating怎么读: 音标['devәsteitiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ devastating是什么意思

a. 毁灭性的, (非正式)很好的, 引人注目的

v cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
v overwhelm or overpower
s making light of
s wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction
s physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination


1. If he finds out about this, I'll be devastated.

如果他发现了这事 我会伤心欲绝的

2. No, I couldn't. I would be devastated, actually.

不 我不能 要真这样我会崩溃的

3. If you had done that, I would have been devastated.

你真要做了 我绝对要崩溃

4. She's on her way in, but she's devastated.

她在来的路上 但是她很崩溃

5. And when she left me, I was devastated.

她抛弃我后 我都崩溃了

6. I was devastated when they tore it down.


7. But I am devastated for the two of them.


8. Imagine how devastating this has been for him.


9. If I lost you, I would be devastated.

要是失去你 我会崩溃的

10. When I found out about his wife, I was devastated.

发现他有妻子的时候 我特别震惊
