
音标: 英 [stɔ:ntʃ] 美 [stɔntʃ, stɑntʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 止住, 止血
a. 坚固的, 坚强的, 忠实的, 忠诚的, 不透水的

v stop the flow of a liquid
s firm and dependable especially in loyalty


1. Staunchly loyal to his men and his country.

对他的士兵和国家 无比忠诚

2. And he's a staunch proponent of government transparency.


3. Yes, you're such a staunch defender of the sisterhood.

是啊 你真是姐妹情谊的坚定拥护者

4. Well, I had to after being so staunchly pro gun control.

我之前非常坚定支持*管制 所以只能这么做

5. She hoped to staunch the blood flow even as she ran for her life.

一边逃跑 还一边想止住血流

6. Blade carries cloth into the wound, helps staunch the flow.

刀子携着布料捅入伤口 有助于止血

7. We secured the foreign object and staunched the bleeding, but didn't want to touch it otherwise.

异物已处理好 血也止住了 不然碰都不能碰

8. He's a staunch supporter of prayer in school, corporal punishment, longer prison terms to deter crime.

他坚定支持学校组织祷告 施行体罚 为了遏制犯罪而加长刑期

9. As soon as the balloons are inflated, we'll know whether the pressure they're placing on the vessels is enough to staunch the bleeding.

气球一充好 我们就能知道作用在血管上的压力 是否足以止血
