
音标: 英 [ˈdrɒplət] 美 [ˈdrɑplɪt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 小滴
[医] 小滴

n. a tiny drop


1. There's always a droplet of truth, but once that droplet hits the water, it turns into a tidal wave.

总有一颗真理的小小水珠 但一旦它滴落海面 就会引发海啸

2. Just comes out in little droplets and those little droplets come together the same way sort of when salad dressing is separating, the oil goes to the top.

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3. And they go to the bottom of the droplets.


4. This is more of a pool than individual droplets.


5. I was dropping water droplets on it.

我当时把水滴  滴在了信纸上

6. we act as if the virus is in the droplets in the air.


7. These droplets combine to grow into colossal clouds.


8. That little droplet turned into a mighty big ripple.


9. There's like a 99.99999% chance that we didn't inhale any droplets.

我们根本就没有吸入任何微滴的可能性 高达99.99999%

10. It's so hot the droplets will disappear within minutes.

天气如此炎热  水珠几分钟内就挥发殆尽
