
音标: 英 ['lɔ:ləsnəs] 美 [ ˈlɔlɪsnɪs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 不服从法律; 不受法律制约; 未实施法律; 目无法纪

n. illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the law


1. I do not endorse bloodshed and lawlessness.


2. Because the area where it's located is lawless.


3. You stand accused of a riot and lawlessness.

你被控煽动* 违法乱纪

4. poor lawless orphan, is that we are your brothers.

你是可怜的无法无天的孤儿 但我们是你的兄弟

5. It's the clearance section. It's basically lawless.

那里是清仓产品区 没有法律管束

6. Renounce your lawlessness and appropriation of spirits.

补偿你所犯下的罪 净化你的精神

7. They are the worst of men and this is the lawless world they've been waiting for.

他们是最凶恶的人 这是他们等待已久的无法无天的世界

8. there won't be any more vile, lawless graffiti animals to worry about.

大家再也不用担心那群无法无天的 涂鸦流氓了

9. Your lawlessness will not be tolerated, no matter the provocation.

你的不法行为不能被容忍 无论受到怎样的挑衅

10. Pain me to leave it in chaos, legacy of lawlessness.

我很不想让这里陷入混乱 成为犯罪之地
