
音标: 英 [ˈkɒləbəun] 美 [ˈkɑlɚˌbon]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 锁骨
[医] 锁骨

n bone linking the scapula and sternum


1. That I broke her collarbone when we were children.

我们小时候 我打折了她的锁骨

2. First, find the middle of his collarbone.

首先 找到他的锁骨的中间

3. Films are back on that busted collarbone.


4. Samantha broke her left collarbone when she was six.

萨曼莎6岁时摔断了锁骨 这是她的左锁骨

5. It's just they have to put a metal plate on her collarbone.


6. It's got a bannister where I fell and I broke my collarbone.

我在那摔了一跤 摔到了栏杆上 还摔断了我的锁骨

7. Kid took a charge, broke his collarbone.

那孩子受了伤 锁骨骨折了

8. Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places.

他的锁骨碎裂 腿骨两处骨折

9. A couple of inches to the left it would've shattered your collarbone.

再往左偏一点 就会打碎锁骨

10. Leftside collarbone injury and chest wall tenderness.

左侧锁骨受伤 胸壁压痛
