
音标: 英 [teɪl] 美 [tel]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 尾部, 后部, 辫子, 随员, 特务, 燕尾服, 踪迹, 限定继承(权)
a. 在后面的, 从后面而来的, 限定继承的, 尾部的, 后部的
vt. 为...装尾, 附于其后, 尾随, 使搭牢, 跟踪, 监视
vi. 跟踪, 船尾搁浅

n. the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body
n. any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
n. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
n. (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head


1. Well, you got be ready for the tails and no tails.


2. They've both got tails, so human embryos have tails.

他们都有尾巴 人类胚胎是有尾巴的

3. And then it's heads, tails, heads, tails, all the way through.

头尾交错摆放 一直到最后

4. Tail to the west makes weather best, and a tail to the east makes weather least.

尾巴向西指 天气很晴朗 尾巴向东指 天气要变坏

5. How to run a tail, lose a tail, and pick nine different locks in less than a minute.

怎么跟踪人 怎么甩掉人 在不到一分钟内撬开9把不同的锁

6. We take our fire ax and chop her tail off, hack it off, tie the tail to the end of the boat and drag it with us, underwater, all the way back to shore, throw her human half into the bloody chum hole, then we sell her in two pieces, and make a million *ing dollars.

我们用我们的消防斧切掉她的尾巴 砍掉它 把尾巴系在船尾 在水下拉着和我们一路回到岸上 把她的上半身扔给残暴的兄弟们 上半身和下半身分开卖 就能赚*的一百万美金

7. Do you know that he has a tail? It's a secret.

告诉你个小秘密 他是有尾巴的

8. All that matters is that we have been chasing our own tail.


9. Grab it by the tail and then finish it off.

然后抓着它的尾巴 把它结果了

10. It should be a scorpion with two tails.

