
音标: 英 [rəʊm] 美 [roʊm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 漫游, 闲逛, 徜徉
n. 漫步, 漫游

v move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment


1. She was roaming the halls talking to herself.


2. You were told not to roam around unaccompanied.


3. And I need to roam in the jungle and be free.

我需要在丛林漫步 我要自由

4. Until then, this big cat's got to roam.

在那之前 这只狮子还得再到处晃悠下

5. But good news is, no roaming charges.

但好消息是 省了漫游费了

6. You can't roam around with no shoes and no coat.

你不能*鞋子 *外套就到处跑

7. I could just roam among them, eavesdropping.

我可以在他们之间穿梭 偷听他们说话

8. Doing more than roaming. It nearly cost me a horse.

可不止闲晃 让我差点付出一匹马的代价

9. I assume it's roaming around here in the water.


10. Roaming the coastlines, chatting with the hadrosaurs.

在海岸边漫步 与鸭嘴龙聊天
