
音标: 英 [ˈkʌmbəsəm] 美 [ˈkʌmbəsəm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 笨重的, 麻烦的, 累赘的

s. difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight


1. Because it is. I'm not saying it's cumbersome.

因为它确实是这样 我不是说这车操纵起来不灵活

2. You know, for the cumbersome, annoying science part.


3. Your weapons are heavy and cumbersome, but you are light and agile.

你们的武器笨重迟缓 但你们自身轻盈灵巧

4. One does feel cumbersome, and I'm tired all the time and I can't do anything and I can't bend down.

确实很麻烦 我总是很累 什么也不能坐 不能弯腰

5. Tonight, revenge hangs like a thick fog over the entire squad, although some of us might be wearing cumbersome, visionhindering costumes, which will make us even more of a target than the others.

今晚 复仇就像浓雾一样笼罩着全队 尽管我们中有人可能穿着笨重的 妨碍视线的服装 但这会令他成为比别人更明显的目标
