
单词 couch
释义 couch n long bedlike seat for sitting or lying on; sofa (坐卧两用的)长沙发     on the psychiatrist´s couch 在精神病医生的诊察台上. couch v 1 [Tn.pr usu passive 通常用於被动语态 ] ~ sth (in sth) (fml 文) express (a thought, an idea, etc) (in words) (用词语)表达(思想、 概念等)     His letter was couched in conciliatory terms. 他那封信里使用了表示和解的言辞.     a carefully couched reply 措辞 谨慎的答覆. 2 [I] (arch 古) (of animals) lie flat, either in hiding or ready to jump forward (指动物)蹲伏, 趴下(或为躲藏或准备跃起).

