
单词 specific
释义 specific adj 1 detailed, precise and exact 详细而精确的; 确切的     specific instructions 明确的指示     What are your specific aims? 你有确切的目标吗? 2 relating to one particular thing, etc; not general 特定的; 具体的     The money is to be used for one specific purpose     the building of the new theatre. 这笔钱有专门用途     就是建造新剧院. specific, n 1 (medical 医) drug used to treat a particular disease or condition 特效药     Quinine is a specific for malaria. 奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药. 2 particular aspect or precise detail 具体的方面; 详情; 细节     moving from the general to the specific 从泛泛而谈转向具体论述     We all agreed on our basic aims, but when we got down to specifics it became more complicated. 关於基本目标, 大家的意见是一致的, 但谈到具体事情时, 情况就复杂了.

