
单词 muddle
释义 muddle v 1 [Tn, Tn.p] (a) ~ sth (up) put sth into disorder; mix sth up 将某事物弄乱或混在一起     The cleaner had muddled my papers, and I couldn´t find the one I wanted. 清洁工把我的文件弄乱了, 我找不到我要的那份了.     My papers were all muddled up together. 我的文件全混在一起了. (b) ~ sb (up) confuse sb mentally 使某人糊涂     Stop talking, or you´ll muddle me (up) completely. 别说了, 要不你把我全搞糊涂了. (c) ~ sb/sth (up) be confused about two or more things, people, etc and therefore make mistakes in arrangements 将事物与事物或人与人弄混淆(因而产生错误)     I muddled (up) the dates and arrived three days late. 我把日期弄乱了, 所以迟到了三天. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A (up) with B; ~ A and B (up) fail to distinguish two people or things 分辨不出两人或两事物     You must be muddling me up with my twin brother. 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了. 3 (phr v) muddle along (derog 贬) live one´s life in a foolish or helpless way, with no clear purpose or plan 混日子     We muddle along from day to day. 我们一天天地混日子. muddle through (often joc 常作戏谑语) achieve one´s aims even though one does not act efficiently, have the proper equipment, etc 胡乱应付过去     I expect we shall muddle through somehow! 我看我们总能应付过去! muddle, n ~ (about/over sth) 1 [C] state of untidiness or confusion 脏乱; 杂乱; 紊乱     Your room´s in a real muddle. 你的房间真是乱七八糟.     There was a muddle over our hotel accommodation. 我们旅馆的食宿安排十分混乱. 2 [sing] mental confusion 糊涂; 困惑     The old lady gets in(to) a muddle trying to work the video. 那老太太想开录像机, 但是越搞越糊涂.

