
单词 列表
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appreciate〕Teachers will especially appreciate the lists at the back of the book.老师会特别关注书后面的列表牛津搭配〔balance sheet〕A statement of a business or an institution that lists the assets, debts, and owners' investment as of a specified date.资产负债表:一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明美国传统〔borrowing〕He's compiling a list of Japanese borrowings in English.他正在整理英语中来自日语的词语列表韦氏高阶〔cash register〕A machine that tabulates the amount of sales transactions, makes a permanent and cumulative record of them, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept.收银机:把交易额列表显示出来,并做成一个永久性和累加记录的机器,其内部有一个保存现金的抽屉美国传统〔compendium〕A list or collection of various items.目录:各种项目的列表或集合美国传统〔cross-reference〕Nearly 2,300 plant lists have been checked and cross-referenced.已经对约2,300份植物列表进行核对,并注明了相互参照项。柯林斯高阶〔directory〕A listing of the files contained in a storage device, such as a magnetic disk.目录:在存储装置中文件的列表,如磁盘中的文件目录美国传统〔double-click〕Go to Control Panel and double-click on Sounds for a list of sounds.在控制面板上双击“声音”, 打开一份声音清单列表外研社新世纪〔drop-down〕Select 'Delete all' from the drop-down list.在下拉列表项中选择“全部删除”。柯林斯高阶〔email〕Add your name to the email list.把你的名字加入电邮列表牛津搭配〔flash〕A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen.一个选项列表反复出现在屏幕上。柯林斯高阶〔illustration〕The following tables are examples, for the purposes of illustration only, of the performance of small businesses.下列表格是小企业经营情况的例子, 仅供举例说明之用。外研社新世纪〔job〕Check our website for the latest job listings.请浏览我们的网站查看最新的招聘职位列表牛津搭配〔line〕I drew a straight line down the page to separate the two lists.我在页面上画了一条直线将这两个列表分开。韦氏高阶〔listing〕Computer Science A printout of a program or data set.【计算机科学】 清单,列表:打印出的程序或数据组美国传统〔listserver〕A file server that is used in the management of e-mail for members of a discussion group.列表服务器:管理讨论群族成员电子邮件的文件服务器美国传统〔list〕We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.我们正在整理一份女人最不愿嫁的前十位男人列表外研社新世纪〔mailing list〕People subscribe to Internet mailing lists in order to exchange information about special subjects.人们加入互联网的电子邮件列表是为了进行专题信息的交流。韦氏高阶〔menu〕Computer Science A list, displayed on a monitor, of options available to a computer user.【计算机科学】 菜单:显示在屏幕上供计算机用户使用的选项列表美国传统〔miniseries〕Sports A short series of performances or athletic contests.【体育运动】 小型系列赛:一个较短的系列表演或体育比赛美国传统〔omission〕I did actually notice one or two surprising omissions from the list.我确实在列表中发现了一两处出人意外的遗漏。麦克米伦高阶〔order〕Making lists can create order and control.列表能使一切井然有序、便于管理。外研社新世纪〔order〕You can change the order of the list by using the ‘sort' command.你可以使用“排序”指令来改变列表的顺序。麦克米伦高阶〔queue〕Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.你的打印任务已经发送到了网络打印列表中。柯林斯高阶〔stenotype〕A keyboard machine used to record dictation in shorthand by a series of phonetic symbols.表音符号速记机:使用一系列表音符号速记讲话的一种键盘机器美国传统〔strike〕Please strike my name from your mailing list immediately.请立即将我的名字从你的邮件列表中删除。剑桥高阶〔systematize〕The computer program systematizes the data and enters it into a table.计算机程序给数据分类并列表韦氏高阶〔tabulable〕Let me tabulate the results as follows.让我将结果列表如下。21世纪英汉〔truncate〕If the list is too long, it will be truncated by the computer.如果列表太长,计算机会将其截短。朗文当代〔turn over〕If you turn over, you'll find the list you want on the next page.如果翻一页, 你就会在下页发现想要的列表外研社新世纪〔unconnected〕A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation.一系列表面上并无关联的事件导致了他的辞职。剑桥高阶〔unsubscribe〕Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list.请在邮件列表中取消我的订阅美国传统〔unsubscribe〕To cancel a subscription, especially to an online publication, service, or mailing list.退订:取消订阅,尤指网络出版物、服务或邮件列表美国传统〔upbeat〕Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official opening.活泼的音乐和队列表演使开幕式的气氛轻松欢快。剑桥高阶A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation.一系列表面上无关的事件导致了他的辞职。剑桥国际The site has a list of FAQs on the new tax law.这个网站有一个关于新税法的常见问题列表牛津商务The software makes it easy to build a mailing list.这个软件使建立邮件列表易如反掌。牛津商务Tom is a very methodical person and writes lists for everything.汤姆是个非常有条理的人,他为每件事写列表剑桥国际

