
单词 soothing
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALM〕He has such a calm soothing voice - I could listen to him all night. 他的声音平缓,令人舒畅—我愿意听他讲一晚上。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕I love Mozart's music. I find it very soothing. 我喜欢莫扎特的乐曲,我觉得它令人心旷神怡。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕My mother had a gentle, soothing voice. 母亲的嗓音轻柔,令人感觉平静。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕The shower was wonderfully soothing. 洗淋浴真的能令人平静下来。朗文写作活用〔anodyne〕A source of soothing comfort.安慰物:起安慰作用的事物美国传统〔anodyne〕Capable of soothing or eliminating pain.止痛的,镇痛的:能消除或去除疼痛的美国传统〔balmy〕Having the quality or fragrance of balm; soothing.香味的,安慰的:有香膏、香油、香脂的品质或香味的;安慰的美国传统〔balm〕A soothing, healing, or comforting agent or quality.止痛膏,安慰剂:有镇静、治疗或安慰作用的药剂或特性美国传统〔balm〕The soothing music was balm for (或to) his jangled nerves.轻柔动听的音乐对他烦乱的神经起着镇定作用。英汉大词典〔balm〕This soothing balm for dry skin protects against extremes of weather.这种舒缓油膏能保护干性皮肤抵御极端天气。外研社新世纪〔berceuse〕A soothing composition.催眠曲:一种柔和的乐曲美国传统〔calm〕The nurses calmed the anxious patient with soothing words.护士们说了一些安慰的话,使那个焦灼的病人平静下来。英汉大词典〔coincide〕I didn't want to awaken him when soothing sleep coincided with breakfast.早饭开饭时他睡得正香,我不想叫醒他。英汉大词典〔demulcent〕A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes.润滑剂,缓和剂:一种起润滑作用的物质,例如甘油或羊毛脂等,通常是粘液或油状的,尤用于减轻因粘膜发炎而引起的疼痛美国传统〔dreamy〕Soothing and serene.令人心神宁静的美国传统〔dulcet〕Having a soothing, agreeable quality.怡人的:具有令人放松和愉悦性质的美国传统〔emollient〕Almond oil is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties.杏仁油以其缓解疼痛和滋润皮肤的功效而出名。朗文当代〔emollient〕Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.润肤的:软化和缓和的,尤指对于皮肤美国传统〔evaporate〕The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.这种放松而又凉爽的感觉是由于皮肤表面汗液的蒸发而产生的。柯林斯高阶〔evaporation〕The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.皮肤表面汗液的蒸发给人带来镇静而凉爽的感觉。外研社新世纪〔lotion〕Soothing moisturizing creams and lotions often help.有舒缓和保湿效果的乳霜和护肤液往往会有用。外研社新世纪〔lullaby〕A soothing song with which to lull a child to sleep.摇篮曲:将小孩带入睡眠的安慰性歌曲美国传统〔lull〕He was lulled to sleep by her soothing voice.她声音轻柔舒缓,让他睡着了。韦氏高阶〔mellow〕His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality.他嗓音浑厚, 说起话来有一种安慰人心的舒适感。外研社新世纪〔mellow〕His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality.他的嗓音低沉悦耳,他的讲话能抚慰人心。柯林斯高阶〔palliative〕Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure.治标的,不治本的:用以减缓疾病或小病的征兆的,不受影响治疗美国传统〔patter〕I find the patter of rain on the roof soothing.我发觉雨点敲击屋顶的声音能使人放松。剑桥高阶〔postpone〕The mother postponed all other business to the task of soothing her crying child.母亲放下一切别的事情,先去抚慰哭叫着的孩子。英汉大词典〔salvo〕An expedient for protecting one's reputation or for soothing one's conscience.保全某人名誉或安慰某人良心的权宜之计美国传统〔sedative〕An agent or a drug having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect.镇静药:有安慰、镇静或安静效果的剂或药美国传统〔sedative〕Having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect; reducing or relieving anxiety, stress, irritability, or excitement.镇静的:有安慰、镇定或起安静效果的;降低或解除焦虑、紧张、愤怒或兴奋程度的美国传统〔seductive〕His words had a soothing, almost seductive quality.他的话语让人感到安慰,几乎有一种诱惑性的味道。牛津搭配〔soothe〕Cold tea is very soothing for burns.凉的茶水非常有助于减轻烧伤灼痛。柯林斯高阶〔soothe〕His casual, relaxed manner was very soothing.他随意而放松的举动让人很快便平静下来。柯林斯高阶〔soothe〕I had a little trouble in soothing her down.我好不容易才使她平静下来。英汉大词典〔soothe〕Put on some nice soothing music.播放一些柔和舒缓的音乐。柯林斯高阶〔soothing〕Her touch felt wonderfully soothing.她的触摸令人感到很宽心。牛津搭配〔soothing〕Her words had a soothing effect.她的话起到了安慰的作用。剑桥高阶〔soothing〕I put on some nice soothing music.我放了一些美妙舒缓的音乐。剑桥高阶〔soothing〕The medicine has a most soothing effect on the nerves.这药对神经有极好的镇定作用。英汉大词典〔soothing〕The music had a soothing effect on the baby.这种音乐对宝宝有镇静的作用。韦氏高阶〔soothing〕The music was soft and soothing.音乐很柔和,令人心旷神怡。英汉大词典〔soothing〕There was something quite soothing about her being there.她人在那儿就让人觉得非常安心。牛津搭配〔sting〕Fleshy dock leaves were soothing for nettle stings.肉质的酸模叶对荨麻扎伤有舒缓作用。外研社新世纪〔tiredness〕Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes… 黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部疲劳。柯林斯高阶〔tranquilizer〕One that serves to tranquilize, as soothing music.安定物:用来起镇定作用的东西,如平静的音乐美国传统〔tranquilize〕To have a calming or soothing effect.具有一种镇静或抚慰的效果美国传统〔unguent〕A salve for soothing or healing; an ointment.油膏,润滑油:用以减轻痛苦或恢复健康的药膏;软膏美国传统〔vibe〕The music has a soothing vibe.这种音乐能让人放松。剑桥高阶〔word〕He tried to calm her with soothing words.他试图说些安慰的话让她平静下来。牛津搭配Frazzled commuters have welcomed the introduction of soothing music to relax them as they travel to work on over-crowded trains.精疲力竭的上下班乘客对采用轻快音乐的做法颇为欢迎,那能使他们在乘坐拥挤不堪的列车时得到放松。剑桥国际I find the patter of rain on the roof soothing.我发觉屋顶上嗒嗒的雨声使人镇定。剑桥国际This ointment is good for soothing skin rashes. 这软膏对减轻皮肤红疹有用。译典通

