
单词 somersault
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backflip〕A backward somersault.后翻筋斗美国传统〔backflip〕To perform a backward somersault, especially in the air.表演后翻筋斗,尤指空中后翻筋斗美国传统〔backward〕He did a fantastic backward somersault.他做了一个漂亮的后空翻。剑桥高阶〔cartwheel〕The children turned/did cartwheels and somersaults on the grass.孩子们在草地上做侧手翻和翻筋斗。韦氏高阶〔flip-flop〕A backward somersault or handspring.后翻斤斗:向后翻的筋斗或后手翻美国传统〔flip〕A somersault.筋斗美国传统〔flip〕The acrobats were doing somersaults and flips (= jumping and turning their bodies over in the air).杂技演员们正在翻筋斗和空翻。剑桥高阶〔flip〕To turn a somersault in the air.在空中翻筋斗美国传统〔flyaway〕An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.空翻下杠:在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作美国传统〔full gainer〕A forward dive in which the diver executes a full back somersault before entering the water.前跳后翻式跳水:跳水运动员在入水之前,向前起跳后,向后翻一个筋斗美国传统〔gainer〕Sports A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first.【体育运动】 后滚翻花式跳水:跳水运动员面向前跳离跳板,向后翻腾一周后入水,身体直立脚先触水美国传统〔somersault〕He crashed into the table, somersaulted over it and landed on the carpet.他撞到桌子上,翻了个筋斗落在了地毯上。朗文当代〔somersault〕He flew off his bike and somersaulted over the bushes.他从自行车上飞了出去,翻过了灌木丛。韦氏高阶〔somersault〕He turned a somersault on the lawn.他在草坪上翻了一个筋斗。英汉大词典〔somersault〕He turned back somersaults.他做了几个后空翻。牛津高阶〔somersault〕Her heart did a complete somersault when she saw him.她一见到他,心里咯噔了一下。牛津高阶〔somersault〕His boat hit a wave and somersaulted at speed.他的船撞上了大浪,飞速地翻转着。柯林斯高阶〔somersault〕His heart did a somersault when he heard the news.听到这个消息后,他的心咯噔了一下。韦氏高阶〔somersault〕I hit him back and he somersaulted down the stairs.我还手打了他,他顺着楼梯滚了下去。柯林斯高阶〔somersault〕In the last 30 years, both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations, roles and relationships.最近 30 年里,男性和女性在个人期望、社会角色和人际关系方面都发生了 180 度的大转变。柯林斯高阶〔somersault〕Lana turned a somersault in midair.拉娜在半空中翻了个筋斗。朗文当代〔somersault〕She was so happy she turned three somersaults on the lawn.她太高兴了,在草坪上连翻了3个筋斗。剑桥高阶〔somersault〕The car hit the kerb and somersaulted into the air.汽车撞到马路牙子上,腾空翻了出去。牛津高阶〔somersault〕The diver somersaulted in midair.这名跳水运动员做了个半空翻。韦氏高阶〔somersault〕The gymnast turned/performed/did a somersault.这名体操运动员做了一个空翻。韦氏高阶〔somersault〕Their present economic policy represents a complete somersault.他们目前的经济政策表现了180度的大转变。英汉大词典〔somersault〕To execute a somersault.翻筋斗美国传统〔somersault〕What worries some of us is that the Prime Minister may feel simply unable to do a somersault.使我们中间的一些人担心的是,首相也许觉得根本就无法做到180度的态度大转变。柯林斯高阶〔somerset〕To perform a somersault.表演翻筋斗美国传统〔tumbler〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons characteristically tumbling or somersaulting in flight.翻飞鸽:飞行中会摇摆或翻转的一种家鸽美国传统〔tumble〕To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.翻腾:表演杂技如翻筋斗,翻滚或旋转美国传统〔tumbling〕Gymnastics, such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings, performed without the use of specialized apparatus.翻跟头,空翻:不使用特殊器械而进行的体操活动,如筋头、旋转和前手翻腾跃美国传统〔turn〕She can turn (= perform) a somersault.她会空翻。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The acrobat turned a somersault.杂技演员翻了个筋斗。21世纪英汉〔turn〕They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard, turning somersaults and cartwheels.他们还在院子里一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。柯林斯高阶He somersaulted through the window. 他一个筋斗翻出了窗户。译典通He did a brilliant backward (= directed towards his back) somersault.他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟斗。剑桥国际My sister turned a somersault. 我妹妹翻了个筋斗。译典通My younger sister turned a somersault. 我妹妹翻了一个筋斗。译典通She was so happy she turned three somersaults on the lawn.她太高兴了,在草坪上一连翻了三个筋斗。剑桥国际Some of the children could turn (= perform) somersaults.有些孩子能够翻筋斗。剑桥国际The bus plunged down the embankment, somersaulted twice and finally landed on its side.这辆公共汽车直冲向河堤,栽了两个跟斗,最后侧面着地。剑桥国际

