
单词 swings
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Well, it's a case of swings and roundabouts really. You win some, you lose some. 唉,这实在有利也有弊啊,你得到了一些,也失去了一些。朗文写作活用〔Murphy bed〕A bed that folds or swings into a closet for concealment.墨菲床:一种不用时可折起放进壁橱的床美国传统〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕Paul had finally gotten used to Heidi's mood swings. 保罗终于习惯了海迪的情绪波动。朗文写作活用〔action〕The complaints system swings into action (= starts to work) as soon as a claim is made.一旦有人提出索赔,马上启动投诉处理系统。剑桥高阶〔dockland〕Once past the dockland, the canal swings left.一过港区陆地,运河就转向左流。英汉大词典〔door〕A movable structure used to close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates.门:一种用于关闭入口活动装置,典型的由一块板上有铰链转动或为拉动式或为旋转式的组合美国传统〔easy〕The gate swings on easy hinges.大门绕着灵便的铰链转动自如。英汉大词典〔even〕The company saw overseas growth as a way to even out swings in the UK market.该公司把海外增长视为平衡英国市场波动的一个方法。麦克米伦高阶〔happy〕The swings and seesaw should keep the kids happy after they finish building sandcastles.孩子们堆完沙堡之后, 荡秋千、玩跷跷板应该会让他们开心的。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕The gate swings both ways on easy hinges.大门是双开式的,转动自如。英汉大词典〔making〕She swings open the cupboard and takes out the makings.她打开碗橱,取出已做好的菜肴。英汉大词典〔mercurial〕She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.她很会逗人开心,但性格让人捉摸不透,情绪反复无常。剑桥高阶〔mood〕After the accident he suffered violent mood swings.出事之后,他的情绪波动很大。牛津搭配〔off-centre〕The assembly can be mounted slightly off-centre so that it swings aside.配件可以安装到稍微偏离中心的位置, 这样它就能向一边摆动。外研社新世纪〔park-keeper〕We saw the Park Keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings.我们看到公园管理员让一些大男孩从秋千上下来。柯林斯高阶〔pivot〕A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.枢,轴:一根短杆或轴,相关的部分可在其上转动或摇摆美国传统〔playground〕An outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as seesaws and swings.操场:用于消遣和玩耍的户外场地,尤指提供,如跷跷板和秋千等设备美国传统〔playground〕The children spent a happy hour at the playground on the swings and climbing frame.孩子们在游乐场的秋千和攀登架上开心地玩了一个小时。外研社新世纪〔push〕I promised to push him on the swings for as long as he wanted.我答应他想在秋千上荡多久我就推多久。朗文当代〔react〕He did not know how to react to her sudden mood swings.他不知道如何应对她的情绪突变。牛津搭配〔roundabout〕He took her to the park, to play on the swings and roundabouts.他带她去公园荡秋千, 骑旋转木马。外研社新世纪〔spinnaker〕A large triangular sail set on a spar that swings out opposite the mainsail, used on racing yachts when running before the wind.三角帆:安装于船用圆材上的大三角帆,展开时与主帆相对,当赛艇顺风行驶时使用美国传统〔swing both ways〕I've seen her out with men as well. She swings both ways, you know.我在外面也看到过她和男人在一起。她对男人和女人都有吸引力,你知道。剑桥高阶〔swings and roundabouts〕It is a case of swings and roundabouts.这是个各有利弊的情况。韦氏高阶〔swing〕A hammock swings between the two trees.在那两棵树中间挂着一个吊床。21世纪英汉〔swing〕A monkey swings through trees.猴子在树丛中穿荡。21世纪英汉〔swing〕Dieters can suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。外研社新世纪〔swing〕Dieters suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。柯林斯高阶〔swing〕Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。柯林斯高阶〔swing〕He swings down into the water.他纵身一跃跳进了水中。21世纪英汉〔swing〕He experiences severe mood swings (= sudden changes from one extreme mood to another).他的情绪波动很大。剑桥高阶〔swing〕He suffers from severe mood swings.他患有严重的情绪多变症。麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕Her purse swings from her shoulder on a long strap.长皮带的钱包从她肩上垂下。美国传统〔swing〕His mood swings between elation and despair.他情绪多变,一会儿兴高采烈,一会儿又伤心绝望。剑桥高阶〔swing〕If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts.赚的越多,缴的税也越多,所以有得必有失。牛津高阶〔swing〕Las Vegas swings all year.拉斯维加斯一年到头热闹非凡。21世纪英汉〔swing〕She suffers from mood swings .她常有明显的情绪波动。朗文当代〔swing〕She suffers from severe mood swings.她情绪波动很厉害。牛津搭配〔swing〕Some kids were playing on the swings.一些孩子在荡秋千。牛津搭配〔swing〕The bar really swings on weekends.酒吧在周末很热闹。韦氏高阶〔swing〕The children have a sand pit, a seesaw and swings.孩子们有一个沙坑、一个跷跷板和几个秋千。外研社新世纪〔swing〕The golfers were practising / practicing their swings.高尔夫球手正在练习挥杆动作。牛津搭配〔swing〕The highway here swings to the east.公路从此处向东拐弯。21世纪英汉〔swing〕The kids were playing on the swings.孩子们在荡秋千。牛津高阶〔swing〕The kids were playing on the swings.孩子们在荡秋千。韦氏高阶〔swing〕The manner in which one swings something, such as a bat or golf club.挥动的姿势:挥动球拍或高尔夫球棒的姿态美国传统〔swing〕The road swings south just outside town.这条路一出城便往南拐了。外研社新世纪〔swing〕The road swings to the left sharply after a few miles.几英里之后道路突然向左急转。韦氏高阶〔swing〕The song that swings makes us dance for joy.那节奏强劲的歌曲什么时候听什么时候令我们手舞足蹈。21世纪英汉〔swing〕What one loses on the swings one gains [wins] on the roundabouts.【谚】失之东隅,收之桑榆;有苦就有乐。文馨英汉〔veronica〕A maneuver in bullfighting in which the matador stands with both feet fixed in position and swings the cape slowly away from the charging bull.双足立定式:斗牛的一种动作,斗牛士双脚站在一个地方不动并舞动斗篷慢慢离开冲锋的斗牛美国传统〔violently〕Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。柯林斯高阶He swings his arms as he walks. 他走路时摆动手臂。译典通He experiences severe mood swings (= sudden changes from one extreme mood to another).他的情绪波动极大。剑桥国际His mood swings between elation and despair.她的情绪大起大落,一会儿兴高采烈,一会儿伤心绝望。剑桥国际She gets these sudden mood swings and you never know when it's going to happen.她的情绪会在突然间发生变化,所以你永远也猜不透她的心思。剑桥国际She is entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.她有趣却多变,有着反复无常而又飘忽的心情。剑桥国际She sat on the park bench watching the kids play on the swings and slides.她坐在公园的长凳上看着孩子们玩秋千和滑滑梯。剑桥国际The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们正在公园里荡秋千。译典通The complaints system swings into action (=starts to work) as soon as a claim is made.一有人投诉,投诉机构马上开始运作。剑桥国际

