
单词 化器
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atomizer〕A device for converting a substance, especially a perfume or medicine, to a fine spray.雾化器:将物体,尤指香料或药物磨成粉尘状的器具美国传统〔carburetor〕A device used in internal-combustion engines to produce an explosive mixture of vaporized fuel and air.汽化器,化油器:一种用于内燃机里的装置,产生汽化燃料和空气爆发混合物美国传统〔carb〕A carburetor.化油器,汽化器美国传统〔catalytic cracker〕An oil refinery unit in which the cracking of petroleum takes place in the presence of a catalyst.催化裂化器:由于催化剂的存在而发生石油裂化的炼油装置美国传统〔choke〕A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor.阻塞门:内燃机上通过减少流向汽化器的空气量使燃料混合物浓度提高的装置美国传统〔choke〕To reduce the air intake of (a carburetor), thereby enriching the fuel mixture.阻塞气门:减少进入汽化器的空气以得到更浓的燃料混合物美国传统〔crop〕A similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects.消化器官:环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分美国传统〔dysteleology〕Purposelessness in natural structures, as manifested by the existence of vestigial or nonfunctional organs or parts.无用器官学:自然结构中的无用性,如退化器官或机能丧失的部分所表现出的美国传统〔gizzard〕A similar digestive organ found in certain invertebrates, such as the earthworm.砂囊,胃,内脏:在一些的无脊椎动物身上有类似的消化器官,如蚯蚓美国传统〔ice〕The carburetor iced up.汽化器冰住了。英汉大词典〔incinerator〕One that incinerates, especially an apparatus, such as a furnace, for burning waste.焚化炉:焚化器,特指一种装置,比如烧废品的炉子美国传统〔peptic〕A digestive agent.消化器美国传统〔portal vein〕A vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver.门静脉:将血液从消化器官、脾脏、胰脏及膀胱输送到肝脏去的静脉美国传统〔prime〕He needed to prime the carburettor, but didn't have any containers.他需要给汽化器注入燃料使其启动, 但他没有容器。外研社新世纪〔prime〕To prepare for operation, as by pouring water into a pump or gasoline into a carburetor.准备启动:给泵加水或给汽化器内加汽油,从而使发动或进入工作状态美国传统〔proventriculus〕A similar digestive chamber in certain insects and worms.前胃:某些昆虫和蠕虫体内类似的消化器美国传统〔purifier〕We installed a water/air purifier in our home.我们在家里装了一台净水机/空气净化器韦氏高阶〔scrubber〕The scrubbers will reduce the power plant's sulfur emissions.空气净化器可以减少发电厂排放出来的硫。韦氏高阶〔specialization〕Adaptation, as of an organ or organism, to a specific function or environment.特化器官:器官或有机体适应某种具体功能或环境的变化美国传统〔stomach〕A similar digestive structure of many invertebrates.似胃的:许多无脊椎动物的相似的消化器美国传统〔strip〕I stripped down the two SU carburettors, cleaned and polished the pieces and rebuilt the units.我将这两个SU汽化器拆卸开,把各个零件清洗擦亮后重新组装起来。柯林斯高阶〔ventricular〕Of or relating to a ventricle or ventriculus.腔室的:属于或关于腔室或消化器官的美国传统〔ventriculus〕A hollow digestive organ, especially the stomach of certain insects or the gizzard of a bird.消化器官,胃,中肠,砂囊:一种中空的消化器官,尤指某些昆虫的胃或者鸟的砂囊美国传统〔venturi〕A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor, causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl.文丘里管:汽化器空气通道中的一段喉管,导致压力减小从而把燃料的蒸气抽出汽化器的碗状部分美国传统A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer. 一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。译典通Atomizers are used for putting on perfume.雾化器被用于喷香水。剑桥国际Carburettors control engine air flow, mix air and fuel for engine operation, and help vaporize that mixture for combustion.汽化器控制发动机空气流量,将空气和燃料混合用于发动机运作,然后促使该混合物汽化燃烧。剑桥国际Puré the strawberries in the liquidizer and add the the lightly whipped cream.食品液化器中将草莓捣成泥,再加上轻轻掼过的奶油。剑桥国际Since the catalytic converters that clean up car emissions are made from platinum, the price of the precious metal has increased.] 因为清洁汽车排气的催化转化器由白金制成,这一名贵金属的价格已经上涨了。剑桥国际

