
单词 发酵
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕The ultimate flavor of the cheese variety is determined by the length of time it is allowed to mature. 这种干酪最终的味道是由其发酵时间的长短决定的。朗文写作活用〔English muffin〕A flat round muffin made from yeast dough that has been baked on a griddle and is usually split and toasted before being eaten.英国松饼:在扁平锅上烙过的发酵面团制成的扁圆形小松糕,吃前通常要切开并烤制美国传统〔Pasteur effect〕The inhibiting effect of oxygen on the process of fermentation.巴斯德效应:氧对发酵过程的抑制作用美国传统〔SIZE〕Cover the dough and allow it to rise until it has doubled in size. 把面团盖起来,让它发酵到两倍的大小。朗文写作活用〔ale〕A fermented alcoholic beverage containing malt and hops, similar to but heavier than beer.麦芽酒:含有麦芽和干燥蛇麻草花成份的一种发酵酒精饮料,同啤酒类似但酒精浓度高于啤酒美国传统〔applejack〕Brandy distilled from hard cider.苹果白兰地:由发酵的苹果汁蒸馏制取的白兰地美国传统〔arrack〕A strong alcoholic drink of the Middle East and the Far East, usually distilled from fermented palm sap, rice, or molasses.烧酒,亚力酒:中东和远东地区的一种烈性酒精饮料,通常从发酵的棕榈汁,大米或糖蜜中提取美国传统〔astringent〕The process, in which the tea develops its characteristic astringency, is known as fermentation.茶开始散发涩味的过程称作发酵柯林斯高阶〔black bean〕A fermented black soybean having a pungent salty flavor, preserved in salt and used in Asian cuisine.豆豉:发酵过的黑色大豆,有刺激性的咸味,用盐腌制并用于亚洲的烹饪中美国传统〔black tea〕A dark tea prepared from fresh tea leaves that have been fully fermented before being dried.红茶:用新鲜茶叶在变干前充分发酵制得的一种深色茶叶美国传统〔brew〕To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.酿酒:通过浸制、煮沸和发酵等方式用麦芽和啤酒花酿制(麦酒或啤酒)美国传统〔bubble〕The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top.发酵的葡萄酒已经冒泡,溢了出来。柯林斯高阶〔buttermilk〕A cultured sour milk made by adding certain microorganisms to sweet milk.酸奶:在甜牛奶中加入某种微生物制得的发酵的酸味牛奶美国传统〔challah〕A loaf of yeast-leavened, white egg bread, usually braided, traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath, holidays, and other ceremonial occasions.犹太人在宗教节日所食的鸡蛋面包:一种发酵的通常带花边的白色鸡蛋面包,传统上犹太人在安息日、节假日和其他礼仪场合食用美国传统〔cocoa〕A powder made from cacao seeds after they have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat.可可粉:由可可豆经过发酵、烘烤、除壳、研磨和除去大部分脂肪而做成的粉美国传统〔croissant〕A rich, crescent-shaped roll of leavened dough or puff pastry.羊角面包:一种营养丰富的新月形发酵面包卷或薄饼美国传统〔crème fraîche〕Cream that has been slightly fermented and thickened with lactic acid, often used as a topping or an ingredient in sauces.鲜乳脂:用乳酸进行轻度发酵和增塑的乳脂,通常用作调味料的开始配菜美国传统〔dough〕She kneaded the dough and left it to rise.她揉好面团后让它发酵剑桥高阶〔dry〕Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.无甜味的:由于发酵期间糖的分解而失去甜味的。用于酒美国传统〔fermentation〕Grape juice becomes wine through fermentation.葡萄汁经过发酵变成葡萄酒。韦氏高阶〔fermentation〕The dried grapes are allowed to ferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry.让干葡萄发酵,直到糖分全部脱出,酒无甜味。柯林斯高阶〔fermentation〕Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.酿酒要发酵,而发酵必须有酵母。外研社新世纪〔fermentative〕Capable of causing or undergoing fermentation.能引起或经历发酵美国传统〔fermenter〕An organism that causes fermentation.发酵物质,酵素:一种能引起发酵的微生物美国传统〔ferment〕Cider ferments if kept long.苹果汁放久了会发酵英汉大词典〔ferment〕Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.果汁存放过久就会发酵牛津高阶〔ferment〕Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white.红葡萄酒发酵的温度比白葡萄酒高。牛津高阶〔ferment〕The wine is beginning to ferment.葡萄酒开始发酵了。21世纪英汉〔ferment〕To cause to undergo fermentation.使发酵美国传统〔ferment〕To produce by or as if by fermentation.生产:由或似由发酵生产美国传统〔ferment〕To undergo fermentation.发酵美国传统〔ferment〕When wine is fermented, it gives off bubbles of gas.酒发酵时便冒出气泡。英汉大词典〔flauta〕A tortilla rolled around a filling such as beef, chicken, or cheese into a flutelike shape and sometimes deep-fried.玉米饼卷:一种把未经发酵的玉米饼卷在牛肉、鸡肉或干酪等填充物外面做成长笛形的食品,有时需长时间煎烤美国传统〔fox〕To make (beer) sour by fermenting.使(啤酒)发酵美国传统〔fox〕To turn sour in fermenting. Used of beer.发酵变酸:以发酵的方式变酸。用于啤酒制造美国传统〔green tea〕Tea made from leaves that are not fermented before being dried.绿茶:由烘干前未经发酵的茶叶制成的茶美国传统〔heavy〕The texture is far too heavy for a sponge.这种面团没有发酵好, 烤不出松软布丁。外研社新世纪〔host〕The consecrated bread or wafer of the Eucharist.圣体:圣餐中献祭的面包和圣饼(未发酵的圆面包片)美国传统〔hotbed〕A glass-covered bed of soil heated with fermenting manure or by electricity, used for the germination of seeds or for protecting tender plants.温床:有草覆盖的土层,通过发酵肥料或通电加热,用于种子的发芽或保护植物幼苗美国传统〔incidentally〕The wine, incidentally, goes very well with a mature cheese.顺便说一下,这种葡萄酒配发酵成熟的奶酪味道很好。朗文当代〔kefir〕A creamy drink made of fermented cow's milk.可佛:一种奶油状饮料,用发酵后的牛奶制成美国传统〔kimchi〕A Korean dish made of vegetables, such as cabbage or radishes, that are salted, seasoned, and stored in sealed containers to undergo lactic acid fermentation.朝鲜泡菜:将蔬菜,例如甘蓝菜或萝卜,盐渍、调味、并储存于密封容器中经乳酸发酵过的朝鲜菜美国传统〔kirsch〕A colorless brandy made from the fermented juice of cherries.樱桃白兰地酒:用发酵的樱桃汁制成的无色白兰地酒美国传统〔kuchen〕A coffeecake raised with yeast, often containing fruit and nuts.(德国)糕点:一种发酵制成的咖啡糕,蛋糕中常有水果和坚果美国传统〔lavash〕A thin leavened flatbread of Armenian origin.拉法奇面包:亚美尼亚共和国的一种发酵过的扁平圆面包美国传统〔laxative〕Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.能在肠胃里迅速发酵的食物是绝佳的天然轻泻药。外研社新世纪〔leaven〕An agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation.酵素:一种可使面粉糊或面团发大的制剂,尤指通过发酵,如酵母菌美国传统〔leaven〕To cause to rise, especially by fermentation.使膨胀,尤指通过发酵美国传统〔lees〕Sediment settling during fermentation, especially in wine; dregs.沉淀物:发酵过程中澄清时产生的沉积物,尤指酒中的;残渣美国传统〔liquor〕An alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation.蒸馏酒:通过蒸馏而不是发酵制成的酒精饮料美国传统〔mash〕A fermentable starchy mixture from which alcohol or spirits can be distilled.麦芽浆:一种可发酵的用以酿酒或产生酒精的糊状物美国传统〔mature〕The cheese is left to mature for two years.为使之发酵成熟,这些奶酪需放置两年。剑桥高阶〔mature〕The olives are pulped, then left to mature.橄榄被捣成浆,然后放着慢慢发酵成熟。朗文当代〔mescal〕A Mexican liquor distilled from the fermented juice of certain species of agave.龙舌兰酒:一种墨西哥烈酒,用蒸馏某种龙舌兰的发酵液汁制成美国传统〔metheglin〕A beverage typically made of fermented honey and water; mead.蜂蜜酒:主要用发酵的蜂蜜和水酿成的酒;蜜酒美国传统〔miso〕A thick fermented paste made by grinding together cooked soybeans, rice or barley, and salt and used especially in making soups and sauces.日本豆面酱,味噌:一种由烹调过的大豆、大米或大麦和盐磨在一起制成的粘稠的发酵过的酱,尤其用于做汤和调味汁美国传统〔mixture〕The mixture of flour, water, and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours.然后将面粉、水和酵母的混合物放在暖和的地方发酵4小时。剑桥高阶〔patty shell〕A decorative, edible shell of baked puff pastry that is made to be filled with other food, such as creamed meat, seafood, vegetables, or fruit.馅饼皮:烤制发酵面团的装饰性可食用的皮,用来填塞其他食品,如奶油肉馅、海鲜、蔬菜或水果美国传统〔perry〕A fermented, often effervescent beverage made from pears.梨子酒:一种由梨发酵制成、常常起泡的饮料美国传统〔poi〕A Hawaiian food made from taro corm that is cooked, pounded to a paste, and fermented.夏威夷芋泥饼:一种夏威夷食品,是把芋头的球茎煮熟后捣成面糊发酵而成美国传统〔poori〕A light, flat wheat cake of Pakistan and northern India, usually fried in deep fat.普里面包:巴基斯坦及印度北部的一种质轻的未经发酵的小麦粉面包,通常在稣油中煎炸而成美国传统〔preserve〕Often preserves Fruit cooked with sugar to protect against decay or fermentation. 常作 preserves 蜜饯:为保护免遭腐坏或发酵而用糖煮的水果美国传统〔proof〕To work (dough) into proper lightness.发酵:把(干面团)做成合适软度的美国传统〔raise〕To cause (dough) to puff up.发酵:使(面团)膨胀美国传统〔rise〕Yeast will make the dough rise.酵母会使生面团发酵韦氏高阶〔rum〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane.朗姆酒,糖蜜酒:从发酵的糖蜜或甘蔗中提取的一种含酒精的液体美国传统〔saleratus〕Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda.发酵粉,小苏打:作为发酵剂的钠或碳酸氢钾;烘焙苏打美国传统〔sally lunn〕A somewhat sweet bread leavened with yeast.莎莉伦饼:一种用酵母发酵过的微甜面包美国传统〔sift〕Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。柯林斯高阶〔sour〕Having the characteristics of fermentation or rancidity; tasting or smelling of decay.腐酸的:具有发酵或腐败变质的特点;具有腐败的味道或气味的美国传统〔sour〕Yeast is used to sour the wort for beer.鲜酵母用来使酿啤酒的麦芽汁发酵英汉大词典〔sponge〕Dough that has been or is being leavened.生面团或正在发酵的面团美国传统〔stum〕To ferment (vapid wine) by adding stum.加葡萄汁使(淡而无味的酒)增进发酵美国传统〔sweatbox〕A box in which something, such as hides or fruit, is fermented by sweating.发汗箱:放置毛皮或水果使其通过脱水而发酵的箱子美国传统〔sweat〕To ferment, as tobacco during curing.发酵:象熏烤烟叶般发酵美国传统〔synfuel〕A liquid or gaseous fuel derived from coal, shale, or tar sand, or obtained by fermentation of certain substances, such as grain.合成燃料:从煤、页岩或沥青砂岩中或某些物质,如谷物的发酵中得到液体或气体燃料美国传统〔tempeh〕A high-protein food of Indonesian origin made from partially cooked, fermented soybeans.印尼豆豉:原产于印度尼西亚的一种高蛋白食物,用半熟的发酵过的黄豆制成美国传统〔terra alba〕Finely pulverized gypsum used in making paper, paints, and as a nutrient for growing yeast.白土:可粉碎的很细的石膏,用于造纸、颜料和正在发酵的酵母的营养剂美国传统〔vodka〕An alcoholic liquor originally distilled from fermented wheat mash but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes.伏特加:一种酒精饮料,最早由发酵的小麦糊蒸馏而得,现在也由裸麦、玉米或马铃薯糊制得美国传统〔volume〕Let the bread rise to twice its original volume.让面包发酵到原来体积的两倍。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕The dough hasn't begun to work.面团还没有开始发酵文馨英汉〔work〕Yeast makes beer work.酵母使啤酒发酵21世纪英汉〔work〕Yeast makes beer work.酵母使啤酒发酵英汉大词典〔wort〕An infusion of malt that is fermented to make beer.麦芽汁:浸泡过的麦芽,发酵后用于酿制啤酒美国传统〔xanthan gum〕A natural gum of high molecular weight produced by culture fermentation of glucose and used as a stabilizer in commercial food preparation.黄原胶:一种高分子量的天然胶,它是将葡萄糖作培养发酵后制得,在食品加工业中作稳固剂美国传统〔yeasty〕The kitchen had a yeasty odor.厨房里有股发酵的气味儿。韦氏高阶〔zymogenic〕Capable of causing fermentation.能引起发酵美国传统〔zymology〕The chemistry of fermentation.发酵化学美国传统〔zymosis〕Fermentation.发酵美国传统A lot of the bread eaten in India is unleavened.在印度,人们吃的面包许多是未经发酵的。剑桥国际During the eight days of Passover no leavened food such as bread or pasta is allowed.在逾越节的8 天里不准吃发酵的食品,比方说面包或意大利面食。剑桥国际Liquor includes drinks like whisky and gin, but not beer or wine, and it is produced by distillation rather than fermentation.烈性酒包括诸如威士忌和杜松子酒之类的饮料,但不包括啤酒和葡萄酒,而且它是通过蒸馏而不是通过发酵制成的。剑桥国际Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl.把面粉、发酵粉、盐和糖拌在碗里。剑桥国际Pitta and naan are two types of flat bread.空心园面包和印度式面包是两种不经发酵的面包。剑桥国际She scooped out the yeasty sediments. 她将发酵的沉淀物舀了出来。译典通Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛进搅拌钵里。剑桥国际Sugar is added to the wine during fermentation to increase the alcohol level.发酵时在葡萄酒里加糖以提高酒精浓度。剑桥国际The dough is leavened with yeast.酵母使面团发酵剑桥国际Yoghurt is obtained by fermenting milk with bacteria.酸乳酪是用细菌使牛奶发酵制成的。剑桥国际Yogurts contain live bacteria unless pasteurised for a second time after fermentation 酸奶含有活细菌除非发酵后第二次消毒。剑桥国际

