
单词 持球
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPRESS〕Quinnell's fifty-yard run down the touchline with the ball in one hand impressed the Wales coach. 昆内尔的50码单手持球跑到底线使威尔士队教练印象深刻。朗文写作活用〔SCORE〕He ran 30 yards to make his second touchdown of the quarter. 他奔跑了30码,在这一节中第二次持球触地得分。朗文写作活用〔adjudge〕Morton was adjudged to have carried the ball across the goal line, so a goal was awarded.莫顿被裁定持球越过了球门线, 所以判进一球。外研社新世纪〔block〕Tony blocked Tom, allowing Jack to run for the touchdown.托尼阻挡汤姆,让杰克攻入对方端区持球触地得分。21世纪英汉〔buck〕Football To charge into (an opponent's line) carrying the ball.【橄榄球】 持球强攻(入对方阵地)美国传统〔count〕A touchdown counts for six points.持球触地算6分。英汉大词典〔cross up〕The team crossed up their opponent by throwing the ball instead of running it.球队以抛球代替持球跑动进攻来迷惑对手。韦氏高阶〔cutback〕A sharp reversal of direction, as of a ball carrier in football.急转:向相反方向急转,如橄榄球比赛中的持球球员的反切动作美国传统〔discredit〕Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.狂暴的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。牛津高阶〔dive〕Football An offensive play in which the carrier of the ball plunges into the opposing line in order to gain short yardage.【橄榄球】 鱼跃:持球者扑向对面线以得到一短段,将球向前推进的距离的进攻行为美国传统〔key〕Abdul keyed the game with three touch-downs.阿布杜尔三次持球触地得分,为赢得比赛起了决定性作用。朗文当代〔kill〕The Llanelli scrum half Rupert Moon followed Jenkins into the cooler for deliberately killing the ball.拉内利队的争球前卫鲁珀特•摩恩因为故意持球步詹金斯后尘进了受罚席。外研社新世纪〔league〕He set a league record for the longest touchdown run.他创造了最长持球奔跑达阵的联赛纪录。牛津搭配〔other〕Hold the racquet in one hand and the ball in the other.一只手握拍,另一只手持球剑桥高阶〔play〕On the next play, Johnson ran fifteen yards for a touchdown.接下来的一次进攻,约翰逊跑了十五码持球触地得分。朗文当代〔quarterback sneak〕An offensive play in which the quarterback runs forward into the offensive line immediately after receiving the ball at the snap.四分卫持球冲锋,四分卫快速带球切入:一种进攻动作,对阵开球时四分卫接到球后立刻向前冲到攻击线美国传统〔rugby〕The crowd enjoyed the Fijians' running rugby.观众喜欢斐济队持球跑动进攻的打法。牛津搭配〔runback〕The act of returning a kickoff, a punt, or an intercepted forward pass.持球跑动进攻:开球、踢悬空球或向前载球的动作美国传统〔runback〕The distance so covered.持球跑动进攻距离美国传统〔run〕He ran for 15 yards.他持球跑了15码。韦氏高阶〔run〕He ran the football for a 20-yard gain.他持球突进了20码。韦氏高阶〔run〕He scored on a 25-yard run.他持球突进25码得分。韦氏高阶〔score〕In American football, a touchdown scores (= is worth) six points.在美式橄榄球中,攻方持球触地得6分。剑桥高阶〔scrambler〕Our quarterback is a great scrambler.我们的四分卫是持球跑进的高手。韦氏高阶〔scramble〕He gained 10 yards on a scramble.他持球向前跑,将球推进了10码。韦氏高阶〔scramble〕The quarterback scrambled for a 5-yard gain.四分卫持球向前推进了5码。韦氏高阶〔shut〕To prevent (an opponent) from scoring any runs or points.阻挡:防止(对手)持球跑动或得分美国传统〔spike〕Football The act of slamming the ball to the ground after succeeding in an important play, as after scoring a touchdown.【橄榄球】 掷地球:在重大比赛中取得胜利后将球用力抛向地面的动作,如攻方持球触地后所作者美国传统〔stiff-arm〕The ball-carrier stiff-armed the tackler.持球球员直臂挡开阻截球员。韦氏高阶〔straight-arm〕The ball-carrier straight-armed the tackler.持球队员直臂挡开了阻截队员。韦氏高阶〔touch down〕He touched the ball down under the posts.他持球在对方球门柱下触地得分。韦氏高阶〔touchdown〕Abbr. TD,tdFootball An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points.缩写 TD,td【橄榄球】 攻方持球触地:越过对方球门线的持球、接球或获得对球的控制的行为,可得到六分美国传统〔travel〕Basketball To walk or run illegally while holding the ball.【篮球】 走步:持球时不合规则地走动或跑动美国传统〔travel〕I saw him travel.我看见他持球走步了。韦氏高阶〔travel〕The referee called her for traveling.裁判判她持球走步。韦氏高阶〔walk〕Basketball The act or an instance of moving illegally with the ball; traveling.【篮球】 进步:持球时犯规的移支动作;带球走步美国传统〔walk〕Basketball To move illegally while holding the ball; travel.【篮球】 带球跑,走步:持球时违反规则移动;带球走步美国传统He scored three touchdowns.他三次攻入对方端区持球触地得分。剑桥国际In American football, a touchdown scores(=is worth) six points.在美式橄榄球中,攻方持球触地得6分。剑桥国际Taylor dropped a touchdown pass.泰勒掉了一个持球触地得分的传球。剑桥国际

