
单词 掌权
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-powered〕The powers that be, in this case the independent Television Association, banned the advertisement altogether.掌权的,在这件事中即独立的电视协会,干脆禁播了那则电视广告。柯林斯高阶〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕The Conservatives say they are looking forward to the election, and are confident that they will soon be back in the driving seat. 保守党称他们盼着大选,有信心很快就会重新掌权朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕In Germany the depression in the late 1920s helped Hitler's rise to power. 德国20世纪20年代末的经济萧条使希特勒得以掌权朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The powers that be do not seem interested in solving the city's transportation problems. 那些掌权的好像无意去解决城市的交通问题。朗文写作活用〔King's Counsel〕A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a man.英国王室法律顾问:被任命为英国王室法律顾问的律师。当掌权人是男性时使用此词美国传统〔MANAGER〕The powers that be have decided that our lunch breaks should be reduced to 45 minutes. 掌权者们已决定把我们的午饭时间减为45分钟。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕Gorbachev could not have remained in power without the support of the Red Army. 他要是没有军队的支持是无法掌权的。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Socialists have been in power since the 1965 revolution. 自1965年革命以来,社会党一直掌权朗文写作活用〔abound〕Stories abound about when he was in charge.关于他掌权时期的轶事有很多。外研社新世纪〔anew〕The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power.这部电影重现了他成名掌权的发迹史。剑桥高阶〔assumption〕The government have retained the support which greeted their assumption of power last March.自从在刚过去的三月掌权以来,政府的支持率依旧未减。柯林斯高阶〔aura〕He exuded an aura of wealth and power.他显露出一种富人和掌权者的气质。牛津搭配〔authority〕Nothing will be done because no one in authority(= who has a position of power)takes the matter seriously.什么也办不了,因为掌权的谁也不认真对待这个问题。牛津高阶〔back〕He is back in power.他又掌权了。英汉大词典〔climb〕Her climb to power has been very rapid.她很快就上台掌权了。剑桥高阶〔collegiality〕Shared power and authority vested among colleagues.共同掌权:同僚间分授权力美国传统〔contend〕Three parties are contending for power.三个政党都在争取掌权外研社新世纪〔corrupt〕Power tends to corrupt.掌权者容易腐化堕落。21世纪英汉〔cynical〕Voters tend to have a cynical view of the probity of those in power.选民们往往对掌权者的诚信持怀疑态度。外研社新世纪〔decision-maker〕One that makes decisions, especially one in a position of authority or power.决策人:作决定的人,尤指掌权美国传统〔diarchy〕Government by two joint rulers.两头政治:两个统治者共同执掌权力的政府美国传统〔dress〕He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.他的穿着打扮让大家都知道他已经掌权了。柯林斯高阶〔duumvir〕A member of a duumvirate.双头掌权者之一美国传统〔facilitate〕Her rise to power was facilitated by her influential friends.她的掌权多亏她的那些有权势的朋友。韦氏高阶〔foul〕They will only be satisfied if they regain control —by fair means or foul.只有重新掌权他们才会满意——为此他们将不择手段。柯林斯高阶〔fragmented〕The Democratic Party has only held onto power because the Republican Party is so fragmented.民主党尚能掌权是因为共和党四分五裂。剑桥高阶〔freedom〕Possession of civil rights; immunity from the arbitrary exercise of authority.公民权的享有:公民权利的享有;免除掌权之人恣意使用权力美国传统〔gang up〕All the other parties ganged up to keep them out of power.其他政党全部联合起来使他们无法掌权柯林斯高阶〔grip〕The President struggled to regain his grip on power.总统努力重新掌权麦克米伦高阶〔herald〕His rise to power heralded the end of an era.他的掌权预示着一个时代的终结。外研社新世纪〔hilt〕The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者必定会全力支持他。外研社新世纪〔hilt〕The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者肯定在全力支持他。柯林斯高阶〔hive off〕The new owners hived off the best parts of the company to another part of their corporate empire.新的掌权者们把公司的精华部分交由他们企业帝国的另一部门管理。韦氏高阶〔hungry〕Both parties are hungry for power.两党都渴望掌权牛津高阶〔into〕They came into power in 2008.他们于 2008 年上台掌权牛津高阶〔introduce〕After coming to power, he quickly introduced land reform.掌权以后,他很快开始推行土地改革。牛津搭配〔jigger〕The ruling party jiggered the election results to stay in power.执政党篡改了选举结果以继续掌权剑桥高阶〔leadership〕We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution.我们发现, 左派逐渐掌权并成为国际革命理想的代言人。外研社新世纪〔leadership〕We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution.我们发现,左派逐渐掌权并成为国际革命理想的代言人。柯林斯高阶〔lease〕He had a new five-year lease on power.他得以再掌权5年。英汉大词典〔lobby〕Our organization is lobbying for tougher laws to control toxic waste.我们的组织正在对掌权者进行游说,争取制定更强硬的法律来控制有害垃圾。麦克米伦高阶〔manoeuvre〕He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back into power.他运用手腕巧妙地重掌权力。外研社新世纪〔master〕Civil servants simply implement the policies of their political masters.公务员只是执行其政治掌权者的政策而已。麦克米伦高阶〔matriarchal〕He was raised in a matriarchal family and was always closer to his mother than his father.他从小生长在一个由女性掌权的家庭,比起和父亲的关系来,他总是跟母亲更亲。柯林斯高阶〔objective〕Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.她现在的主要目标就是继续掌权剑桥高阶〔opposition〕The Socialists were back in power after six years in opposition.社会党在野6年后又重新掌权麦克米伦高阶〔out〕Many people voted Liberal just to keep the Tories out.仅仅为了不让保守党掌权,许多人投了自由党的票。麦克米伦高阶〔party〕The party was returned to power in 2001.2001 年该党重新掌权牛津搭配〔power〕A severe economic slump swept the country shortly after he came to (或into) power.他上台掌权不久,严重的经济不景气席卷全国。英汉大词典〔power〕I have been sacked because the powers that be have decided that I am inefficient.我被解雇了,因为掌权的人断定我不称职。 英汉大词典〔power〕The powers that be banned the advertisement altogether.掌权派干脆禁了那则广告。外研社新世纪〔practice〕Now that he is back, the prime minister has another chance to put his new ideas into practice.既然首相又掌权了,他就重新有机会实施他的新想法。柯林斯高阶〔prevailing〕The prevailing view seems to be that the Left will come to power.主流观点认为左翼会掌权外研社新世纪〔read the runes〕He was the first of the Eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power.他是第一个看清了未来发展趋势并为继续掌权进行政治改革的东欧国家领导人。剑桥高阶〔rein〕It's the accountants who effectively hold the reins.事实上是会计人员掌权牛津搭配〔rein〕Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks.几个星期以后欧文斯将正式接手掌权朗文当代〔restore〕He said the ousted president must be restored to power.他说被赶下台的总统必须重新掌权柯林斯高阶〔return〕Most people have welcomed her return to power/office.大多数人欢迎她重新掌权/复职。剑桥高阶〔rise〕Mussolini rose to power in Italy in 1922.1922 年墨索里尼在意大利上台掌权朗文当代〔rise〕Thatcher's rise to power in the late 70s 撒切尔夫人在 70 年代末的上台掌权朗文当代〔romp〕In 1906 the Liberal Party romped back to power.1906 年自由党轻松获胜,重新掌权朗文当代〔roost〕Today the country's nationalists rule the roost and hand out the jobs.现今,这个国家由民族主义者掌权并分派工作。柯林斯高阶〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权外研社新世纪〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权柯林斯高阶〔saddle〕Without a skilled man in the saddle this business is likely to be completely ruined before the end of the year.没有一位懂行的人掌权,这家企业很可能在年底前完蛋。英汉大词典〔sceptre〕Queen Elizabeth I wielded the sceptre forty-five years.伊丽莎白一世女王在位掌权45年。英汉大词典〔seat〕He is no longer in the seat of power.他不再掌权英汉大词典〔staff〕A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority.经理助理、执政官员或其它掌权者的工作班子美国传统〔strength〕He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma.他凭借其个人魅力而当选掌权外研社新世纪〔strength〕He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma.他凭借其个人魅力而当选掌权柯林斯高阶〔sweep〕Herrera was swept into office two years ago.赫雷拉两年之前一举掌权朗文当代〔take over〕They took over in 2002.他们在2002年开始掌权韦氏高阶〔take〕Centre-left parties look set to take power.中间偏左的党派看来很可能要掌权剑桥高阶〔take〕The communists took power in 1948.共产党于 1948 年掌权朗文当代〔thirsty〕He is thirsty for power.他拚命想掌权牛津高阶〔thrust〕He was thrust into power.他是被强行推上掌权地位的。英汉大词典〔thumping〕Mulroney swept to power with a thumping majority.马尔罗尼以压倒性的多数票轻松掌权朗文当代〔trim〕Sometimes it is necessary to trim those very policies in order to stay in office.有时为了继续掌权需要对同样的政策进行修改。英汉大词典〔wheel〕The political wheel had turned full circle, and he was back in power. () 政治局势经过一番大动荡后,他又重新上台掌权牛津搭配〔worm into〕He succeeded in worming himself into power.他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。21世纪英汉After the last election, the socialists allied themselves with the communists to prevent the liberals taking power.在上次选举之后,社会主义者与共产主义者联盟,以防自由主义者掌权剑桥国际Had he been more astute he might have stayed in power longer.要是城府更深些的话,他掌权的时间也许会更长些了。剑桥国际He used to sit at the stern. 他过去一直掌权译典通He was determined to stay in the saddle at all costs. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权译典通He was the first of the eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power.他是推知事态变化并进行政治改革以继续掌权的第一位东方领导人。剑桥国际Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.她现在的主要目标就是继续掌权剑桥国际His rise to power heralded the end of the liberal era. 他的掌权预示著自由主义时代的结束。译典通His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters. 他得势掌权的经过在头两章里作了简单的描述。译典通His rise to power was very sudden. 他的掌权很令人意外。译典通In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.在报纸文章中她一贯谴责那些逾越自己权限的掌权的人。剑桥国际Lisa may appear more pliant and easy-going than Brian but I'll tell you she wears the trousers in that relationship.莉萨也许显得比布赖恩更加柔顺随和,但我告诉你,他们两人中她掌权当家。剑桥国际She made a giant stride towards power in last year's elections.在去年的选举中她在掌权的道路上迈进了一大步。剑桥国际The armed forces have a long history of exerting powerful behind-the-scenes influence during times of civilian rule.在文职人员掌权的年代里,军方长期在幕后施加有力的影响。剑桥国际The army, which held power at that time, imposed draconian penalties on the non-voters.那时候掌权的军队对不参加选举的人实行了严酷的惩罚。剑桥国际The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子在十五岁时就掌权了。译典通The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.执政党篡改了选举结果,以确保他们继续掌权剑桥国际They gave him the title of company president as a face-saving gesture, although he no longer had any power.尽管他不再掌权,但为了保全他的面子,他们给他个公司总裁的头衔。剑桥国际Three years later, he came to power. 三年后他上台掌权了。译典通With Mr Munro at the helm, the company has continued to grow.蒙诺先生掌权后,公司继续成长壮大。牛津商务〔éminence grise〕Civil servants are the ones who really have the power - they are the éminences grises behind the government ministers.公务员是真正拥有权力的人——他们是政府大臣的幕后掌权者。剑桥高阶

