
单词 支取
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alternative〕You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕She anticipated her salary in buying a house.她提前支取工资用来买房。外研社新世纪〔arrival〕A deposit is payable on arrival (=when you arrive).存款可以随时支取朗文当代〔bank account〕Funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.银行帐户:存入银行的资金,存款人可随意支取美国传统〔cashback〕Can I have £20 cashback, please? 请问我可以结算并支取20英镑吗?麦克米伦高阶〔choose〕You can just take out the interest each year, if you choose.你要是愿意,每年可以仅支取利息。柯林斯高阶〔draw against〕She has drawn a draft for $ 500 against you.她出了一张汇票向你支取500美元。21世纪英汉〔draw sth down〕We took out a bank loan which allowed us to draw down sums of money as we needed them.我们借了一笔银行贷款,在有需要的时候就支取一些。剑桥高阶〔drawdown〕The income drawdown plan allows you to keep your fund invested in the stock market after retirement while you draw an annual income from it.收入支取计划让你退休以后能够保留股票市场投资,同时每年支取一次收益。剑桥高阶〔drawdown〕There was no record of a drawdown of funds from the account.没有从这个帐户支取钱款的记录。剑桥高阶〔instant〕This type of account offers you instant access to your money.这种账户允许随时支取存款。剑桥高阶〔option〕You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly: those are the two alternatives.你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。牛津高阶〔penalty〕Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty.提前支取这笔钱将被处以 10% 的罚金。朗文当代〔qualify〕Nigeria was the first team to qualify for the World Cup.尼日利亚队是第一支取得世界杯参赛资格的球队。剑桥高阶The company has already drawn down €600 million of its €725 million credit line.这家公司已经从其 7.25 亿欧元的信用额度中支取了 6 亿欧元。牛津商务Twenty thousand dollars has been withdrawn from the account.从这个账户中支取了两万元。牛津商务

