
单词 元老院
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Roman congregation〕Any department of the Curia dealing with rites, legal and administrative problems, questions of faith and morals, and other ecclesiastical matters.天主教圣会:古罗马元老院的一个处理各种仪式、法律和行政事务、信仰和道德及其它教会问题的部门美国传统〔SPQR.〕Senatus Populusque Romanus (the Senate and the people of Rome).罗马元老院(议员和市民)美国传统〔curia〕The Roman senate or any of the various buildings in which it met in republican Rome.元老院:古罗马的元老院或者罗马共和国时期元老院聚会的众多建筑物之一美国传统〔declaim〕Brutus declaimed from the steps of the Roman senate building.(罗马贵族派政治家)布鲁图在古罗马元老院大楼的台阶上发表慷慨激昂的演说。21世纪英汉〔decurion〕A member of a municipal senate in ancient Rome who ran local government.元老院议员统:在古罗马时代的自治元老院的成员,管理地方政府美国传统〔deify〕That provided impetus and rationale for the senate to divinize, deify Julius Caesar.那为元老院神化儒略·恺撒提供了动力和依据。外研社新世纪〔senate〕The supreme council of state of the ancient Roman Republic and later of the Roman Empire.元老院:古罗马共和国以及后来的罗马帝国的国家最高评议会美国传统

