
单词 养起
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RELATIONSHIP〕Over the years the two men had developed deep bonds of friendship. 多年来这两个人之间培养起了一种深深的友谊关系。朗文写作活用〔appreciation〕We hope the course will help foster a lifelong appreciation of music.我们希望这门课能有助于培养起大家对音乐的终生欣赏能力。牛津搭配〔discerning〕Her childhood passion for collecting has not dimmed, but now she is more discerning.她孩提时培养起的对收藏的痴迷丝毫未减,现在只是变得更有眼力了。柯林斯高阶〔expensive〕The house was too big and expensive to run.这栋房子太大,养起来很费钱。朗文当代〔instill〕They have instilled a love of music in their children.他们逐步培养起子女对音乐的热爱。韦氏高阶〔instil〕They hope that their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children.他们希望自己的工作能够逐步培养起孩子们的一种责任感。柯林斯高阶〔seed〕His interest in books was seeded when he was quite young.他读书的兴趣很小的时候就被培养起来了。英汉大词典〔team spirit〕I tried to instil a sense of team spirit and togetherness.我试图逐渐培养起大家的团队协作意识。外研社新世纪〔thrive〕These animals rarely thrive in captivity.这些动物栏养起来很少会肥壮。牛津高阶

