
单词 公牛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕On the other side of the fence there was a large bull. 篱笆的另一边有一头大公牛朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕Lowering its head, the bull charged at him. 那头公牛低下头朝他冲了过去。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕If you run away from the bull, it's almost certain to attack you. 如果你从公牛身边逃走,那它几乎是肯定要攻击你的。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕Rodeo riders can suffer appalling injuries after being thrown by bulls and steers. 牛仔竞技表演的骑手们被公牛和菜牛摔下后可能受重伤。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕The massive bull lifted him bodily into the air and shook him repeatedly. 那头庞大的公牛把他整个身体举向空中,然后不停地摇晃。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕Today's games include the Chicago Bulls vs. the Boston Celtics. 今天的赛事包括芝加哥公牛队对波士顿凯尔特人队的比赛。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕I got two tickets for the Bulls’ game. 我有两张公牛队比赛的门票。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The Bulls would consider re-signing him next season. 公牛队将考虑下个赛季和他续签。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The steers walked restlessly around and around their pen. 小公牛在围栏里不耐烦地转圈子走。朗文写作活用〔antiquity〕The town was famous in antiquity for its white bulls.该镇在古时以其白色公牛闻名。柯林斯高阶〔banderilla〕A decorated barbed dart that is thrust into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles by a banderillero in a bullfight.带有倒钩的短标枪:斗牛中斗牛士的助手用于刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的短扎枪,带有倒钩和装饰美国传统〔banderillero〕One who implants decorated barbed darts into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles during a bullfight.斗牛士助手:斗牛中用带有倒钩和装饰的短枪刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的斗牛士美国传统〔barbecue〕We barbecued a steer.我们整烤了一只小公牛21世纪英汉〔beast〕New England Southern U.S. A large domestic animal, especially a horse or bull.【新英格兰】 【美国南部】 大牲畜:大的牲畜,尤指马或公牛美国传统〔beef〕A full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat.牛:完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛,尤指因肉用而蓄养的牛美国传统〔beef〕The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow.牛肉:宰杀了的完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛的肉美国传统〔bellow〕The bull bellowed angrily.公牛发出了怒吼。韦氏高阶〔bellow〕The bull bellowed in pain.公牛因疼痛而大声吼叫。剑桥高阶〔bellow〕The bull bellowed with rage.公牛怒吼。21世纪英汉〔bellow〕The roar of a large animal, such as a bull.牛吼:大型动物的吼叫声,如公牛美国传统〔bellow〕To make the deep roaring sound characteristic of a bull.吼叫:发出象公牛般的低沉吼叫声美国传统〔beware〕Beware of the bull.当心公牛牛津同义词〔bile salt〕A mixture, such as a commercial preparation derived from the bile of the ox, that is used medicinally as a hepatic stimulant or laxative.药用胆盐:一种可在医药上用作肝脏刺激剂或缓泻剂的混合物,如从公牛的胆汁中提取的有商业价值的制剂美国传统〔bought〕The Chicago Bull bought a new guard.芝加哥公牛队新雇了一名后卫。21世纪英汉〔bullish〕Having a heavy, muscular physique.公牛般的:有健壮的、肌肉发达的体格的美国传统〔bullock〕A castrated bull; a steer.阉公牛;食用牛美国传统〔bullock〕A young bull.小公牛美国传统〔bullpen〕A fenced enclosure for confining bulls.牛栏:为关公牛而做的围栏美国传统〔bull〕An adult male bovine mammal.公牛:成熟的雄牛美国传统〔bull〕The uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle.未阉割的公牛美国传统〔bull〕They did not see the sign by the gate saying "Beware of the bull".他们没有看见门旁边“当心公牛”的警示。剑桥高阶〔calf〕A young cow or bull.小牛:年幼的母牛或公牛美国传统〔castrate〕A bullock is a castrated bull.阉牛是切除了睾丸的公牛21世纪英汉〔charge〕The bull charged right at me.那头公牛向我直冲过来。韦氏高阶〔charge〕The bull charged the matador.这头公牛冲撞了斗牛士。韦氏高阶〔charge〕The bull put its head down and charged.公牛低下头猛冲过来。牛津高阶〔cleaner〕The Lakers took the Bulls to the cleaner's, winning 96-72.湖人队以 96 比 72 大败公牛队。朗文当代〔confine〕The bull was confined in a pen behind the barn.那头公牛被圈在谷仓后面的围栏里。韦氏高阶〔dab〕Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛21世纪英汉〔destroy〕One of the bulls had to be destroyed.有一头公牛必须杀掉。朗文当代〔direction〕Suddenly, the bull changed direction and started heading straight towards us.公牛突然调转方向, 朝我们冲过来。外研社新世纪〔doer〕Those steers are very poor doers.那些小公牛是增重很慢的家畜。英汉大词典〔enraged〕The enraged bull chased him.那头激怒的公牛追他。文馨英汉〔flare〕The bull flared its nostrils.这头公牛张大了鼻孔。韦氏高阶〔flare〕The bull flared its nostrils.那头公牛翕动着鼻翼。朗文当代〔foul〕He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.他因为在比赛进行到第 45 分钟时对公牛队犯规而被第一次记名警告。柯林斯高阶〔glare at〕He glared at me like a bull at a red rag.他像公牛怒视红布一样对我怒目而视。21世纪英汉〔gore〕He was attacked and gored by a bull.他遭到一头公牛的袭击,被顶伤了。朗文当代〔gore〕He was gored by a bull.他被公牛顶伤。牛津高阶〔gore〕He was gored by a bull.他被一头公牛顶伤了。韦氏高阶〔gore〕The angry bull gored me in the leg.狂怒的公牛用角撞伤了我的腿。英汉大词典〔gore〕The angry bull gored me in the leg.那头狂怒的公牛用角刺伤了我的腿。文馨英汉〔gore〕The bull gored him to death.那头公牛把他戳死了。文馨英汉〔gore〕The bull gored him.这头公牛顶伤了他。韦氏高阶〔g〕Ox, bull, cow.牛, 公牛, 母牛.美国传统〔his〕The bull tossed his horns.公牛突然抬起角。剑桥高阶〔impale〕The matador was impaled by the bull's horns. = The matador was impaled on the bull's horns.那个斗牛士被公牛的角戳伤了。韦氏高阶〔its〕The bull had a ring through its nose.这头公牛的鼻子上穿了一个环。麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕He has fought more than fifty bulls, killing three outright.他已斗过五十多头公牛,当场杀死过三头。牛津搭配〔lead〕The Chicago Bulls had a narrow lead (=were winning by a small number of points) .芝加哥公牛队以微弱优势领先。朗文当代〔mature〕The mature bull weighs around 900 kilos.成年公牛重约900千克。麦克米伦高阶〔nip〕The fourth quarter was nip and tuck, but the Bulls won 92-90.第四节(两队)不相上下,不过公牛队最后以 92 比 90 取得了胜利。朗文当代〔novillada〕A bullfight in which the bulls engaged are less than four years old.轻型斗牛表演:公牛的年龄小于四岁的斗牛表演美国传统〔novillero〕A bullfighter restricted by professional rules to engaging bulls less than four years of age.见习斗牛士:根据职业规则被限定只能使用年龄小于四岁的公牛的斗牛士美国传统〔offense〕He played offense for the Chicago Bulls.他在芝加哥公牛队打前锋。牛津高阶〔physiology〕He was interested in the physiology of bulls.他对公牛的生理机能感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔play-off〕The Lakers will meet the Bulls in the playoffs.湖人队将和公牛队在季后赛中一决胜负。朗文当代〔plough〕In those days the land was plowed by oxen.在那个年代是用公牛来犁地的。朗文当代〔priest〕The priest suggested sacrificing a bull.这个教士建议献祭一头公牛外研社新世纪〔project〕Two long horns project from the bull's head.公牛头上伸出两只长角。英汉大词典〔put to〕The farmer put his heifer to the bull.农夫把他的母牛跟那头公牛配对。外研社新世纪〔put〕The farmer put a heifer to a bull.农夫让一头小母牛与公牛交配。英汉大词典〔root〕We're rooting for the Bulls.我们为公牛队加油。牛津高阶〔run〕The heifers ran with the Hereford bull and produced their first calf.小母牛与这头海福特公牛交配,生下了第一头小牛。英汉大词典〔scrub〕He paid our neighbours a handsome price for their little scrub bull.他用一大笔钱买了我们邻居的那头矮小公牛外研社新世纪〔sporting〕Young men of sporting blood would taunt the bulls.性好冒险的年轻人会去惹那些公牛英汉大词典〔square off〕The Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls square off for the first game of the series.洛杉矶湖人队和芝加哥公牛队已做好开打本系列赛事第一场比赛的准备。外研社新世纪〔square off〕The Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls square off for the first game of the series.洛杉矶湖人队和芝加哥公牛队摆好了架势,准备进行总决赛的第一场对决。柯林斯高阶〔steer〕A young ox, especially one castrated before sexual maturity and raised for beef.食用牛:一种年轻公牛,尤指于性成熟前被阉割并食用的肉牛美国传统〔stirk〕A heifer or bullock, especially between one and two years old.小牛犊:年轻的公牛或母牛,尤指一、二岁的间的美国传统〔taurine〕Of, relating to, or resembling a bull.公牛的:属于、关于或像公牛美国传统〔tell from〕Can you tell an ox from a cow?你分得出公牛和母牛吗?21世纪英汉〔toss〕He was tossed by the bull.他被这头公牛用角挑了起来。21世纪英汉〔toss〕The bull tossed him up into the air.公牛把他顶到了半空中。剑桥高阶〔toss〕The bull tossed the matador.公牛把斗牛士抛向空中。外研社新世纪〔tree〕He was treed by a bull.他被公牛赶上了树。21世纪英汉〔tuck〕The bull was sitting with his legs tucked up under him.那头公牛正蜷腿伏卧在地。英汉大词典〔warn〕We warned them that there was a bull in the field.我们提醒他们,田里有一头公牛朗文当代〔word〕I'm not sure what he said but the word sounded like 'bull'.我不能确定他说的是什么,但那个词听起来像 bull (公牛)。牛津搭配〔yoke〕A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.轭:两块U形板组成的横木,套在一起干活的一对公牛或载物动物的脖子上美国传统〔yoke〕Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.两头用轭套在犁上的公牛在吃力地来回耕地。剑桥高阶As the bull ran towards him Jeff was gripped by fear.当公牛冲向他时,杰夫感到一阵恐惧。剑桥国际Bulls are usually less aggressive if they have been castrated.公牛被阉割以后,脾气通常会温和一点。剑桥国际The bull pawed the ground before charging. 公牛冲刺前用力拍打地面。译典通The cart was pulled by a team (= group) of oxen/huskies.车由一组公牛/爱斯基摩狗拉着。剑桥国际The champion bulls had impressive pedigrees.获得冠军的公牛有极其正宗的系谱。剑桥国际The oxen are led up to the sledges, and tricked into the yoke.公牛们被领到运输雪橇前,并被哄骗着套上了轭。剑桥国际The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉著一头犁。译典通Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.两头被套上犁的公牛在地里费力地走来走去。剑桥国际You don't want to be near a bull if it's pawing and snorting.你别靠近一头公牛,如果它又是乱抓又是鼓鼻的话。剑桥国际

