
单词 如象
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bone〕An animal structure or material, such as ivory, resembling bone.骨状物:动物的象骨头一样的结构或物质,如象美国传统〔calf〕The young of certain other mammals, such as the elephant or whale.幼崽:某种其它哺乳动物的幼儿,如象或鲸美国传统〔mailed〕Having a hard covering of scales, spines, or horny plate, as an armadillo or a lobster.有甲壳的:有鳞片状、棘状突起或者角质小片状的硬壳,例如象犰狳或者龙虾美国传统〔pachyderm〕Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.厚皮动物:任一种体大的、厚皮的、有蹄的哺乳动物,如象、犀牛或河马美国传统〔proboscidian〕A mammal of the order Proboscidea, such as the elephant or its extinct relatives, having a long trunk, large tusks, and a massive body.长鼻目:一种长鼻目哺乳动物,如象或已灭绝的与其有亲源关系的种,有长象鼻、大牙和庞大的身躯美国传统〔snout〕A similar prolongation of the anterior portion of the head in certain insects, such as weevils; a rostrum.喙:某些昆虫头部类似的前部突出物,例如象甲的喙;吻突美国传统〔stick insect〕Any of several insects of the family Phasmidae, as the walking stick, that resemble sticks or twigs.竹节虫:任一种科的昆虫,如象小棍或小树枝的竹节虫美国传统〔totipalmate〕Having webbing that connects each of the four anterior toes, as in water birds such as pelicans and gannets.全蹼的:具有连接四个前脚趾的蹼的,如象塘鹅和鹈鹕这样的水鸟身上的美国传统

