“think back to”例句

单词 think back to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕Whenever I think back to what I said at the party it makes me want to squirm. 每当我想起自己在聚会上说的话,就感到困窘不安。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Think back to last year. Look how bad things were then. 回想一下去年,那时候情况多糟。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕When I think back to how it all started, I'm amazed. 我回忆起那一切是怎么开始的,真是大吃一惊。朗文写作活用〔amuse〕It amused me to think back to my life in London.回想起在伦敦的生活,我觉得很好玩。朗文当代〔back〕At times, I think back to my life in Moscow.有时候我会回想起我在莫斯科的生活。朗文当代〔dawn〕Let's think back to the dawn of time.让我们从头回想一下。牛津搭配〔think back〕Think back to that night. What were you doing? 回想一下那天晚上的情况。当时你在做什么?韦氏高阶〔think back〕Thinking back to my childhood, I remember summers at the beach.回顾我的童年,我还记得在沙滩上度过的夏天。韦氏高阶〔think back〕It might help you to understand Julia if you think back to when you were her age.回想一下你在她这个年龄时的所作所为可能会有助于你理解朱丽叶。剑桥高阶〔think back〕The photographs made me think back to my trip to Europe.这些照片使我回想起了我的欧洲之旅。21世纪英汉〔think〕I keep thinking back to the day I arrived here.我不断回想起刚到这儿那一天的情景。牛津高阶〔think〕I've been trying to think back to that last evening.我一直在努力回想最后的那个晚上。麦克米伦高阶

