“ten thousand”例句

单词 ten thousand
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROTEST〕Over ten thousand workers marched through the capital demanding higher wages. 一万多名工人横穿首都游行示威,要求增加工资。朗文写作活用〔bite〕We owe ten thousand, so what's my bite? 我们共欠一万,我名下该出多少?英汉大词典〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.基本问题是我们还需要一万美元来完成这个项目。剑桥高阶〔capturable〕They captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms in that campaign.他们在那次战役中俘获了一万多战俘和大量武器。21世纪英汉〔cattle〕He has ten thousand cattle.他有1万头牛。英汉大词典〔concede〕A strike by some ten thousand bank employees has ended after the government conceded some of their demands.政府答应了他们的一些要求后,大约有一万名银行员工参加的罢工结束了。柯林斯高阶〔concede〕A strike by some ten thousand bank employees has ended after the government conceded some of their demands.在政府答应了他们的一些要求后, 由上万名银行职员参加的罢工结束了。外研社新世纪〔do〕Ten thousand times I've done my best and all's to do again.我已经尽力做了千万遍,而一切都还得重做。英汉大词典〔equivalent〕Ten thousand people a year die of the disease - that's the equivalent of the population of this town.每年有一万人死于这种疾病——该数字相当于这个城镇的总人口。剑桥高阶〔expenditure〕Renovations required an expenditure of about ten thousand dollars.设备更新花了1万元左右。英汉大词典〔give〕Ten thousand copies of the software package are being given away.1万套软件将被赠送出去。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕The bank is laying ten thousand dollars on the line as a reward to whoever catches the robber.银行悬赏1万美元捉拿该劫匪。英汉大词典〔myriad〕Archaic Ten thousand.【古语】 一万美国传统〔operate〕Up to ten thousand Zimbabwean soldiers are operating in Mozambique.多达1万名津巴布韦士兵正在莫桑比克执行任务。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕The crowd numbered ten thousand at the outside.那一群人充其量不过1万。英汉大词典〔peaceful〕Ten thousand people are reported to have taken part in the protest which passed off peacefully.据报道,有1万人参加了和平抗议。柯林斯高阶〔print〕Ten thousand copies were printed.已经印了一万册。外研社新世纪〔raise〕They aim to raise ten thousand signatures.他们以征集1万人签名为目标。英汉大词典〔reach〕The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。21世纪英汉〔retreat〕Ten thousand years ago the ice began its retreat from Scotland.一万年以前冰开始从苏格兰消退。朗文当代〔scorch〕The forest fire was contained after scorching some ten thousand acres.森林大火在烧焦了上万英亩林木之后才得到控制。麦克米伦高阶〔transfer〕Ten thousand pounds has been transferred into your account.1万英镑已转至你的账户。外研社新世纪〔worst-case〕In the worst-case scenario more than ten thousand people might be affected.在最坏的情况下,有一万多人可能会受到影响。牛津高阶Ten thousand people a year die of the disease--that's the equivalent of the population of this town.每年有一万人死于这种疾病----那是相当于这个城镇人口的数量。剑桥国际A supernova is about ten thousand million times brighter than the Sun.一颗超新星大约比太阳亮一百亿倍。剑桥国际He bought the canvas for ten thousand dollars. 他以一万美元买下这幅油画。译典通He planked down his ten thousand. 他当场付了一万元。译典通It's £20 thousand pro rata but I'm doing half the full number of hours so I'll be getting ten thousand.按比例算是20,000 英镑,但是我只做了一半时间,所以我该拿到10,000 英镑。剑桥国际She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community. 她住在一个足有一万人的华人社区。译典通The bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory. 银行贷给那家工厂一万英镑。译典通The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.基本问题是我们还需要一万美元来完成这个项目。剑桥国际The car cost him around ten thousand US dollars. 这车花去他一万美元左右。译典通The town has a population of ten thousand. 这个镇有一万人口。译典通

