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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕Leafing through a magazine, I chanced upon a photo of an old high school friend, Robert Mason. 我在随手翻阅一本杂志时,无意中看到一幅高中时的老朋友罗伯特·梅森的照片。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕It wasn't my own idea. I got it from a TV movie. 这主意不是我自己想出来的,那是我从一部电视里播的电影中看来的。朗文写作活用〔MESSAGE〕He was devastated when he arrived home to find a note from his wife, telling him their marriage was over. 他回到家中看到妻子留下的便条说他俩的婚姻已走到了尽头时,感到大为震惊。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕You can see the buildings from the ground, of course, but they look more dramatic from the air. 你当然可以从地面上看到这些建筑物,但从空中看它们更壮观。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw during the war. 什么都无法让他准备好面对战争中看到的一切。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕Seeing real live animals in a zoo is much more exciting that just watching them on television. 在动物园里看到活生生的动物,比仅仅在电视中看到它们要让人兴奋得多。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕I could see hunger, exhaustion and despair in their eyes. 我从他们眼中看到了饥饿、疲惫和绝望。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕He nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness. 他朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕In her vision, Joan of Arc saw an angel telling her to go and fight for France. 圣女贞德在梦幻中看到天使叫她去为法国而战。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Kids have to learn that toys they see advertised on TV might not be as much fun as they look. 要让孩子们知道,他们在电视广告中看到的玩具可能不像看起来那么好玩。朗文写作活用〔advertise〕It was a job he had seen advertised in the paper.这个工作职位他在报纸广告中看到过。外研社新世纪〔air〕The temple was clearly visible from the air.从空中看去,那座庙宇清晰可辨。牛津高阶〔all〕As you'll have read in our news pages, all has not been well of late.正如你会从我们的新闻版面中看到的一样,最近一切都不太顺利。柯林斯高阶〔among〕I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd.我在人群中看见了几张熟悉的面孔。剑桥高阶〔annexe〕You will find examples of order forms in the annexe of this document.您可以在本文档的附件中看到订货单样本。外研社新世纪〔belief〕His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.他对上帝的信奉使他在困境中看到了希望。剑桥高阶〔bleak〕The landscape looked bleak and desolate in the rain.景貌在雨中看起来荒芜凄凉。牛津搭配〔breath〕My first view of the island from the air took my breath away.我第一次从空中看到这个岛时,叹赏不已。牛津高阶〔catch〕I caught sight of/caught a glimpse of (= saw for a moment) a red coat in the crowd.我在人群中看到/瞥见一个穿红色外套的人。剑桥高阶〔close-up〕In the video, we see a writhing poisonous snake in close-up.在视频里, 我们从特写镜头中看到一条扭动的毒蛇。外研社新世纪〔cluster〕She spotted Luke in a group clustered around the entrance.她在聚集于入口处的人群中看见了卢克。麦克米伦高阶〔crack〕I could see them through the crack in the doorway.我能从门道的缝隙中看到他们。韦氏高阶〔dappled〕Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade.有时我会拿一本书去梨树底下,坐在斑驳的树影中看柯林斯高阶〔disappointment〕She must have seen the disappointment in my expression.她肯定从我的表情中看到了失望。牛津搭配〔disbelief〕I could see the disbelief in her eyes.我从她眼中看出她的怀疑。牛津搭配〔distinguish〕I could not distinguish her face in the darkness.我在黑暗中看不清她的脸。麦克米伦高阶〔distress〕She saw the distress in Christy's eyes.她从克里斯蒂的眼中看到了痛苦。牛津搭配〔dramatic〕We watched scenes of the dramatic rescue on the news.我们在新闻中看到了惊心动魄的救援场面。剑桥高阶〔expectancy〕I saw the look of expectancy in the children's eyes.我从孩子们的眼中看到了期待的神情。朗文当代〔extent〕He saw the full extent of the lake from the air.他从空中看到那个湖的全景。英汉大词典〔flash〕He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror.他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。柯林斯高阶〔flicker〕He saw a flicker of light in the darkness.他在黑暗中看到一丝光亮。牛津搭配〔form〕I saw a form in the dark.我在黑暗中看见一个影子。英汉大词典〔gloom〕She peered into the gloom, but she couldn't see where the noise was coming from.她努力朝黑暗中看去,但就是辨不出声响是从哪儿传来的。剑桥高阶〔go〕When I saw his name in the headlines I thought, “Here we go again.” 我在头条新闻中看到他的名字时,心里想:“又来这一套。”韦氏高阶〔hangdog〕I could tell from his hangdog look that things had gone badly.我从他难过的表情中看出情况很不好。朗文当代〔hot and heavy〕Guess who I saw getting hot and heavy on the dance floor? 猜猜我在舞池中看到谁大跳热舞?剑桥高阶〔hurt〕I could see the hurt in her eyes.我能在她的眼神中看出她受到伤害。牛津搭配〔image〕The image you see in the mirror.你在镜子中看到的映像剑桥高阶〔in〕He saw his reflection in the mirror.他在镜中看到了自己的身影。韦氏高阶〔light〕His eye lit upon a small boat on the horizon.他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。牛津高阶〔look〕You can see many wonderful things in nature if you take the time to stop and look.如果你肯花时间停下来认真观察,就能在大自然中看到很多奇妙的事物。韦氏高阶〔losable〕She lost her son in the crowd.她在人群中看不见她儿子了。21世纪英汉〔main〕You'll find the main points of my proposal in the report.你们可以在这份报告中看到我计划的要点。剑桥高阶〔menacing〕In the dark the rough sea looked menacing.波涛汹涌的大海在黑暗中看起来很险恶。外研社新世纪〔mischief〕He could see mischief in her eyes.他能在她的眼中看到淘气的神情。麦克米伦高阶〔mute〕I could see a mute plea for help in his eyes.我从他的眼中看到了无声的求助。韦氏高阶〔neutral〕Pakistan wants to see neutral umpires in cricket.巴基斯坦希望在板球比赛中看到不偏不倚的裁判。麦克米伦高阶〔news〕I saw it on the news.我是在新闻节目中看到的。牛津高阶〔observe〕This ritual is commonly observed among several ethnic groups.这种仪式常常可在几个不同族群中看到。牛津搭配〔occasionally〕Occasionally, we see deer in the field. = We occasionally see deer in the field.我们有时会在田野中看到鹿。韦氏高阶〔off-screen〕She looks totally different off-screen.她在现实生活中看上去判若两人。牛津高阶〔on tiptoe〕He stood on his tiptoes trying to see over the crowd.他踮起脚尖,试图从人群中看过去。韦氏高阶〔oversaw〕He oversaw someone take a newspaper away without paying.他无意中看到有人拿了一份报纸而没有付钱。21世纪英汉〔picture〕From the information that has just been released, a truer picture emerges.从刚刚发布的消息中看, 真相开始浮现。外研社新世纪〔pitiful〕The scrawny little kitten looked so pitiful out in the rain.那只骨瘦如柴的小猫在屋外的雨中看起来很可怜。麦克米伦高阶〔preview〕We saw the movie at a special preview.我们在一次特殊的电影预映活动中看了这部电影。韦氏高阶〔reading〕Did you bring any reading material/matter for the trip? 你有没有带本书在旅途中看韦氏高阶〔reflect〕She could see herself reflected in his eyes.她在他的眼中看到了自己的样子。牛津高阶〔ride〕To guard a person or thing while in transit.押车:在运送过程中看守某人或某物美国传统〔right〕I want to see you use your right a lot more in this round.我希望在这个回合中看到你多多用上右手。英汉大词典〔romance〕We're seeing more interracial romances in the movies.我们在电影中看到越来越多的跨种族恋情。牛津搭配〔seed〕Surely we see the seeds here of a reconciliation.当然,我们从中看到了和解的苗头。英汉大词典〔see〕Some animals can see in the dark.有些动物在黑暗中看得见东西。文馨英汉〔set〕Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders.马特看着休, 从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。外研社新世纪〔sight〕Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd.然后他突然在人群中看见了她那顶小巧的黑色天鹅绒帽子。柯林斯高阶〔spectacular〕The most spectacular dinosaur fossils can be seen in this museum.那些最引人注目的恐龙化石可在这个博物馆中看到。英汉大词典〔spot〕I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.我终于在人群中看见了我的朋友。牛津高阶〔spy〕Ellen suddenly spied her friend in the crowd.埃伦突然在人群中看到了她的朋友。朗文当代〔spy〕I think I've just spied Andrew in the crowd.我想我刚才在人群中看到了安德鲁。剑桥高阶〔stance〕Danny's upright stance made him appear the taller of the two.丹尼挺拔的站姿使他在两个人中看起来更高一些。麦克米伦高阶〔stand behind〕She saw the man from the rear-vision mirror who followed her was standing behind a phone booth.她从后视镜中看到,那个跟踪她的人正站在一个公用电话亭的后面。21世纪英汉〔strain〕Don't watch TV in the dark - you'll strain your eyes! 不要在黑暗中看电视——会伤害你的眼睛!剑桥高阶〔stuff with〕Today's children have been stuffed with pap from the television.今天的孩子不怎么读书,他们脑袋里充满了从电视中看来的那些无聊的东西。21世纪英汉〔touch sth up〕We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it.我们觉得照片很可能修饰过,因为他在照片中看起来要年轻得多。剑桥高阶〔turn〕He turned himself around to see the back of his shirt in the mirror.他转过身去,从镜子中看衬衫的后面。韦氏高阶〔virtual image〕An image from which rays of reflected or refracted light appear to diverge, as from an image seen in a plane mirror.虚像:反射或折射光线从其分散的像,如在平面镜中看到的像美国传统〔vision〕He became a monk after seeing Saint Apollinaris in a vision.在异像中看见圣阿波利那里斯后,他便当了修道士。朗文当代〔vision〕In visions he had seen himself in many struggles.他多次在幻觉中看见自己在搏斗。英汉大词典〔where〕Where most people saw a worthless investment, she saw opportunity.在大多数人认为是毫无价值的投资的情况下,她从中看到了机遇。韦氏高阶〔whiteness〕He could see a whiteness ahead of him in the dark tunnel.他在黑暗的隧道中看到前面有一团白色的东西。英汉大词典〔you must be joking〕You've got to be joking if you think I'm going to stand in the rain watching you play tennis! 你以为我会站在雨中看你打网球,你准是在开玩笑吧!剑桥高阶Footprints were visible in the dirt (= earth).泥土中看得见脚印。剑桥国际His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.他对上帝的信仰使他在困境中看到希望。剑桥国际I caught sight of / caught a glimpse of (=saw for a moment) a red coat in the crowd.我在人群中看到了一件红上衣/看了一件红上衣一眼。剑桥国际I think I've just spied Andrew in the crowd.我想我刚才在人群中看见了安德鲁。剑桥国际In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection which he saw in a pool of water.在希腊神话中,纳西索斯爱上了他在一个水塘中看到的他自己的倒影。剑桥国际It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.这些图形中看不出有什么格式。剑桥国际It is seen in the sky after sunset. 日落后可在天空中看到它。译典通Randy's such a shrimp that we couldn't see him in the middle of the crowd.兰迪太矮小了,我们在人群中看不到他。剑桥国际She comes across as a more sympathetic character in the film.她在这部电影中看上去似乎是一个令观众同情的角色。剑桥国际The ghost I saw in my dream was not real. It was just my hallucination. 我在梦中看见的鬼不是真的,那只是我的幻觉。译典通The image you see in the mirror seems to be back to front.你在镜子中看到的映像看上去是前后颠倒。剑桥国际The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.这部新电脑在满是书的昏暗的图书馆中看上去很不协调。剑桥国际They saw life in the raw among those wild tribes. 他们在那些原始部落中看到了未开化的生活。译典通To the inexpert eye, nothing appeared to be wrong.生手眼中看是没有毛病的。剑桥国际We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.我们在惊恐中看着他们把尸体从残骸中拖出。剑桥国际When people saw pictures of the atrocities on TV, there was a spontaneous reaction against the war.当人们在电视中看到残暴画面时,会自然产生一种反战的反应。剑桥国际You can tell she's a dancer from the way that she carries herself.你能从她的身段举止中看出她是个舞蹈家。剑桥国际You used to be able to see contortionists at the circus or in travelling shows.过去能在马戏团或流动演出团中看到柔术表演。剑桥国际

