
单词 为国捐躯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIE〕We want to pay special tribute to the men and women who have given their lives in service of their country. 对那些为国捐躯的男女,我们谨致以特别的敬意。朗文写作活用〔die〕He died at his post.他殉职[为国捐躯]。文馨英汉〔die〕He died for his country.他为国捐躯英汉大词典〔die〕They were ready to die for their country.他们准备为国捐躯麦克米伦高阶〔for〕Charles died fighting for his country.查尔斯在战斗中为国捐躯朗文当代〔for〕We are here today to honour those who died for their country.我们今天在这里纪念那些为国捐躯者。麦克米伦高阶〔hero〕The song remembers the brave heroes who died for their country.这首歌缅怀为国捐躯的勇士。牛津搭配〔lay down your life for sth〕Today we remember those who laid down their lives for their country.今天我们在此纪念那些为国捐躯的人。剑桥高阶〔life〕They were ready to give their lives for their country.他们已做好了为国捐躯的准备。剑桥高阶〔never〕Let us never forget those who gave their lives for their country.让我们永远记住那些为国捐躯的人。剑桥高阶〔sacrifice〕Soldiers who die for their country have made the supreme sacrifice.那些为国捐躯的士兵们作出了最大的牺牲。牛津搭配〔self-sacrifice〕We should honor the courage and self-sacrifice of the brave soldiers who died for our country.对于那些为国捐躯的英勇战士们,我们应赞扬其勇气和自我牺牲。韦氏高阶〔ultimate〕He says that dying for your country is the ultimate act of patriotism.他说为国捐躯是最高境界的爱国主义行为。韦氏高阶He died in the service of his country. 他为国捐躯译典通Let us never forget those who gave their lives for their country.让我们永不忘记那些为国捐躯的人。剑桥国际

