
单词 产生偏见
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bred〕Ignorance breeds prejudice.无知产生偏见21世纪英汉〔prejudice〕I don't want to prejudice people against us.我不想使人们对我们产生偏见英汉大词典〔prejudice〕Margot's testimony might prejudice jurors against him.玛戈的证词可能会使陪审员们对他产生偏见麦克米伦高阶〔prejudice〕The prosecution lawyers have been trying to prejudice the jury against her.控方律师一直力图使陪审团对她产生偏见牛津高阶〔wit〕Sydney Smith, a notable wit, once remarked that he never read a book before he reviewed it because it might prejudice his opinion of it.悉尼‧史密斯,一个风趣出了名的家伙,曾说过他从来不在评论一部书之前去读它,因为这样会让他对这部书产生偏见剑桥高阶Both sides were given an equal opportunity to express their views in the programme, an approach which does not bias the reporting (= does not let it show unfair support for one side).在该节目中双方都被给予平等的机会表达自己的意见,这是一个不会使报道产生偏见的方法。剑桥国际British law prohibits newspapers from publishing information that might prejudice criminal cases before they go to court.英国法律禁止报纸在刑事案子审判前刊登会产生偏见的消息。剑桥国际He made a mistake but I don't hold it against him--we all make mistakes.他犯了错误,但我并不因此而对他产生偏见----我们都会犯错。剑桥国际One unfortunate experience prejudiced him against all lawyers. 一次不幸的经历使他对所有律师产生偏见译典通Sydney Smith, a notable wit, once remarked that he never read a book before he reviewed it because it might prejudice his opinion of it.悉尼·史密斯是个一个有名的巧嘴人,一次谈到他从不在评论一本书之前去读它,因为这样会使他对这本书产生偏见剑桥国际The newspapers biased their readers against the new government. 报纸使得读者们对新政府产生偏见译典通The prosecutor has been accused of prejudicing the jury and preventing the defendant from getting a fair trial.原告被指控使陪审团产生偏见并阻碍被告获得公正判决。剑桥国际

