
单词 染色的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕Wool and silk are the materials that are easiest to dye. 羊毛与丝绸是最易染色的料子。朗文写作活用〔Dynel〕A trademark used for a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile employed in making fire-resistant, insect-resistant, easily dyed textile fiber.代纳尔:一种用于氯乙烯和丙烯腈共聚纤维商标名,该产品用于制造防火、防虫和容易染色的纺织纤维美国传统〔Easter egg〕A dyed or decorated egg, traditionally associated with Easter.复活节彩蛋:染色的或装饰上彩的蛋,传统上同复活节有联系美国传统〔achromatic〕Biology Difficult to stain with standard dyes. Used in reference to cells or tissues.【生物学】 非染色质的:用标准染料难于染色的。用于指细胞或组织美国传统〔basophilic〕Relating to tissue components that stain readily with basic dyes.嗜碱的:与易为碱性染剂染色的组织成分有关的美国传统〔basophil〕A cell, especially a white blood cell, having granules that stain readily with basic dyes.嗜碱白血球:一种细胞,特别是白细胞,具有和碱性染剂一样容易染色的粒子美国传统〔buff〕A soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk, or oxen.浅黄色皮革:一种主要由水牛皮,驼鹿皮或公牛皮制成的柔软的,坚韧的未染色的皮革美国传统〔chromophobe〕Not staining readily with dye. Used of a cell or cell structure.难染色的,难着色的:染料不易着色的。用于细胞或细胞结构美国传统〔eosinophil〕A microorganism, cell, or histological element easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes.嗜曙红白血球:容易被曙红或其它酸性染料染色的微生物、细胞或组织成分美国传统〔eosinophil〕A type of white blood cell found in vertebrate blood, containing cytoplasmic granules that are easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes.嗜曙红血球:脊椎动物血液中的一种白血球,含有容易被曙红或其它酸性染料染色的细胞质微粒美国传统〔euchromatin〕Chromosomal material that is genetically active and stains lightly with basic dyes.常染色质:具有遗传活性并被碱性染料略为染色的染色质美国传统〔eye〕The pigmented iris of this organ.虹膜:这个器官染色的虹膜美国传统〔fadable〕Coloured cloth often fades when it is washed.染色的布洗后通常要掉色。21世纪英汉〔greige〕Not bleached or dyed; unfinished. Used of textiles.本色的,原色的:未经漂白或染色的,未完工的,用于纺织品美国传统〔histologically〕Bacteria can be detected histologically on sections of tissue that have been stained.在经过染色的组织学切片上,细菌可以被识别出来。剑桥高阶〔ingrain〕Made of fiber or yarn dyed before weaving. Used especially of rugs.染色原纤:由纺织前就染色的纤维或纱线制成的。尤指地毯美国传统〔marabou〕A raw silk that can be dyed without being separated from the gum.马拉布生丝:一种不用从胶上分离就能被染色的生丝美国传统〔neutrophil〕Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.嗜中性染料的:不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞美国传统〔tie-dye〕A tie-dyed fabric or garment.扎染物:这样染色的织物或服装美国传统〔tie-dye〕The process of tie-dyeing.扎染过程:这样染色的过程美国传统〔tinctorial〕Relating to the processes of dyeing or coloring.染色的,着色的:有关染色或着色的美国传统〔tinct〕Colored lightly or faintly; tinged.着色的:很轻地或很淡地涂色的;染色的美国传统She's had her nicotine-stained teeth whitened.她将被尼古丁染色的牙齿洗白了。剑桥国际

