
单词 作准
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕It will be to your advantage to start preparing for the exam now. Don't wait until the last minute. 现在就开始为考试作准备对你有益,不要临时抱佛脚。朗文写作活用〔ATTACH〕The children are hanging up the decorations for the party. 孩子们正在挂装饰品为聚会作准备。朗文写作活用〔ChristmasEve〕We spent Christmas Eve cooking and getting ready for Christmas Day.圣诞夜我们烹煮食物,为圣诞节作准备。朗文当代〔D-Day〕After four hectic weeks of electioneering, candidates are preparing themselves for D-Day (= election day) tomorrow.经历了4周忙碌的竞选活动后,候选人正在为明天的选举投票作准备。剑桥高阶〔LEARN〕She prepared for the interview by familiarizing herself with all aspects of the company's work. 她从各方面熟悉该公司的情况,为面试作准备。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Vivian and her boyfriend are making arrangements to join us in Australia. 薇薇安和男友在作准备,在澳大利亚与我们会合。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕We're planning for rain because the forecast isn't good. 我们在为下雨作准备,因为天气预报说天气不好。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕In the stadium, the sprinters are getting themselves ready for the 100-metre race. 体育场里,短跑选手们在为100米赛跑作准备。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕It seems the whole country is getting ready to welcome the visiting president. 似乎整个国家都在为欢迎来访的总统作准备。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕People on the island are preparing for another storm. 岛上的人正在为另一场暴风雨的到来作准备。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕She has spent the last year preparing herself for the race. 她花了去年整整一年的时间,来为这次赛跑作准备。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕We've spent the last few days getting ready for Christmas. 过去几天我们在为圣诞节作准备。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕It was soon time for the actors to get ready for the evening performance. 演员很快就要为晚上的演出作准备了。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕My sister always spends hours getting ready to go out. 我姐姐出门前总花上好几个小时作准备。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕If you don't start studying for your exams, you'll be sorry later. 如果你还不开始为考试作准备,以后你会后悔的。朗文写作活用〔beforehand〕There's nothing like being beforehand.最好的办法莫过于早作准备。英汉大词典〔big〕Everyone was getting ready for the big day (=a day when an important event will happen) .每个人都在为这个重要的日子作准备。朗文当代〔build up to〕Other actions we need to take may be more difficult, and we may have to build up to them gradually.我们需要采取的其他行动可能会更加困难, 所以我们可能得一步步地为之作准备。外研社新世纪〔buildup〕The threats were a buildup for a killing.威胁是为杀害作准备。英汉大词典〔cloister〕She cloistered herself in the library to study for her final exams.她关在图书馆里温课,为期终考试作准备。英汉大词典〔cooperate〕The children cooperated with their parents in preparing for the guests.孩子们和父母一起为迎接客人作准备。英汉大词典〔cue〕An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.提示小节:在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号美国传统〔feel〕Preparing for that first trial felt like learning the rules of a new game.为第一次庭审作准备时感觉就像在学一种新游戏的规则。柯林斯高阶〔fettle〕Metallurgy Loose sand or ore used to line the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in preparation for pouring molten metal.【冶金学】 涂炉膛材料:为倒入熔化的金属作准备的用来修整反射炉炉膛的松散砂子或矿渣美国传统〔fettle〕To line the hearth of (a reverberatory furnace) with loose sand or ore in preparation for pouring molten metal.涂(炉膛):为倒入熔化的金属作准备而用松散的沙子或矿渣涂(反射炉的)炉膛美国传统〔flutter〕The women were all fluttering about making preparations for the wedding.女人们都在奔忙着为婚礼作准备。英汉大词典〔forearm〕To be forearmed is a great benefit.预作准备大有好处。英汉大词典〔frantic〕I spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready.我花了三天时间手忙脚乱地作准备。朗文当代〔fulfil〕Nursery schools should fulfil the function of preparing children for school.幼儿园应该起到为儿童进小学作准备的作用。牛津高阶〔future〕It's wise to provide for the future.为将来作准备(储蓄等)是明智的。文馨英汉〔gear〕His political opponents are gearing themselves for national elections in October.他的政敌们正在为10月份大选作准备。英汉大词典〔give〕The whole day was given over to cooking and preparing for the celebrations.那一整天都被用来烧菜和为庆祝活动作准备。朗文当代〔go〕You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy.你不可把他的话作准,他这人很不可靠。英汉大词典〔improvident〕Not providing for the future; thriftless.不顾将来的,不经济的:不为将来作准备的;不节俭的美国传统〔match〕They're preparing for a big (=important) match tomorrow.他们在为明天的一场大赛作准备。朗文当代〔pituitary〕Medicine An extract from the anterior or posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, prepared for therapeutic use.【医学】 垂体制剂:从垂体的前叶或后叶提取的制剂,为治疗作准美国传统〔pluck〕Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails.萨莉花了几个小时作准备, 又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。外研社新世纪〔preflight〕Preparing for or occurring before flight.起飞前的:为起飞作准备的或起飞前发生的美国传统〔prelaunch〕Preparatory or preliminary to launch, especially of a spacecraft or missile.发射前的:尤指太空飞行器或导弹发射前的或为这种发射作准备的美国传统〔prelaw〕Of, relating to, or being the studies that prepare one for the study of law.法律预科的:为法律学习作准备的学习的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔preliminary〕Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business; introductory or prefatory.开头的,初步的:先于主要事件、行动或业务的或为其作准备的;预备性的或前面的美国传统〔preliminary〕The discussions were preliminary to preparing a policy paper.这些讨论是为制定政策文件作准备的。朗文当代〔preparation〕A substance, such as a medicine, prepared for a particular purpose.配制品:为特定目的作准备的物质,如药品美国传统〔preparation〕All notes used in the preparation of the main report should be retained for reference.为主报告作准备的所有笔记都应该保留以用作参考。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Education should be a preparation for life.教育应为踏上生活道路作准备。英汉大词典〔preparation〕The managers were busy with preparations for the conference.经理们都忙于为会议作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔preparative〕Something that prepares for or acts as a preliminary to something following.预备:为随后的事作准备或作为其开端的事物美国传统〔preparatory school〕A usually private elementary school in Great Britain that prepares students for public school.私立预科学校:在英国为学生升入公学作准备的私立小学美国传统〔preparatory school〕A usually private secondary school that prepares students for college.大学预科学校:为学生进入大学作准备的私立中学美国传统〔prepared〕The Premier seemed ill prepared for the press conference.总理似乎没有为记者招待会认真作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔prepare〕The teacher prepared the students for the exams.老师让学生们为考试作准美国传统〔prepare〕We were all working hard to prepare for the wedding.我们都在卖力地为婚礼作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔prep〕I have to prep for my afternoon class.我得为下午的课作准备。朗文当代〔prep〕She said she was prepping for her new movie.她说她正在为新片作准备。剑桥高阶〔prep〕To prepare (someone) for a medical examination or surgical procedure.使预备好:使(某人)为医学考试或外科手术程序作准美国传统〔prep〕To study or train in preparation for something.预备…:学习或训练以为某事作准美国传统〔primer〕An undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting.底漆,涂底料:油漆之前,涂在某一表面上作准备的底漆或涂料美国传统〔provident〕Providing for future needs or events.顾及将来的:为将来需要或事件作准备的美国传统〔provide〕Archaic To make ready ahead of time; prepare.【古语】 作准备:提前准备好;预备美国传统〔provide〕He worked hard to provide for his old age.他努力工作为养老预作准备。英汉大词典〔publish〕They are publishing for the young author.他们正在为出版这位年轻作者的著作作准备。英汉大词典〔ready〕Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets.西方的公司正在为迎接来自东方市场的挑战作准备。牛津高阶〔rematch〕Both teams are preparing for the rematch.两支球队都在为重赛作准备。朗文当代〔scale up〕Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.从那以后,威康公司一直在增加产量,为临床试验作准备。柯林斯高阶〔showdown〕The president is preparing for a showdown with Republicans over his plans to reform the economy.总统正在作准备,打算就他的经济改革计划和共和党人最后放手一搏。剑桥高阶〔stow〕Things were being stowed away in preparation for departure.为启程作准备,正在收存东西。英汉大词典〔toe〕Sports Games To touch a mark or line with the toe or hands in readiness for the start of a race or competition.【体育运动】 【游戏】 足尖或手抵在起跑线上:比赛或竞赛开始前用脚尖或手触一个记号或一根线作准美国传统〔touchdown〕The astronauts are preparing for touchdown tomorrow morning.宇航员正在为明天早上的着陆作准备。柯林斯高阶〔tune (sth) up〕The group spent several weeks tuning up its act before the tour began.团队花了几个星期为巡演作准备。剑桥高阶〔winning〕A section of a mine that has been recently prepared or opened for working.备采煤区:最近已为工作准备好或开放的矿区的一部分美国传统A large area has been cleared in preparation for the demolition (= destruction) of the block of flats.一大片地区已经清理出来,为拆除公寓建筑群作准备。剑桥国际It is advisable to be forearmed. 预作准备是明智的。译典通Local people are preparing for the descent of (= (unwanted) arrival of) thousands of visitors on their village for the yearly pop festival.当地人在为成千上万来他们村参观流行音乐节的人们作准备。剑桥国际Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city. 为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。译典通Retailers have been running teaser ads this week in preparation for tomorrow's launch.零售商本周一直在做前导广告,为明天的产品投放作准备。牛津商务She has been preparing for the strength-sapping humidity of the rainforest by training in her parents’greenhouse.她在父母的温室中进行训练,为雨林中那消耗体力的潮湿作准备。剑桥国际She worked 30 hours on the trot to get the job finished on time.为了使工作准时完成,她接连工作了30个小时。剑桥国际The city's inhabitants were preparing themselves for another cruel (=extremely cold) winter without heating or electricity.这个城市的居民又在为一个严冬作准备,那时将没有暖气,也没有电供应。剑桥国际The committee will meet today to lay the groundwork for inter-party talks next month.委员会将于今天开会为下个月的多党会谈作准备工作。剑桥国际The film will be made in the town of Muchty, which is bracing itself to cope with the expected influx of TV people and journalists.该影片将在马奇泰镇拍摄,预计届时电视界人物及记者将蜂拥而至,该镇正在为此作准备。剑桥国际The government's training policy, he claimed, was achieving its objectives of increasing skills and providing for Britain's industrial future.他声称政府的培训政策正在实现其增强技艺和为英国工业的未来作准备的目标。剑桥国际The students are all returning to college ready for the beginning of term.学生们都回到学校为开学作准备。剑桥国际Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing their case.他们的律师煞费苦心地为诉讼作准备。剑桥国际They have been strengthening their border defences in preparation for war.他们一直在加强边界的防御来为战争作准备。剑桥国际They were planning out the project. 他们正在为那一工程作准备。译典通They're doing/working overtime to get the job finished on time.他们正在加班加点,以使这项工作准时完成。剑桥国际We are planning for our excursion next week. 我们正在为下周的远足作准备。译典通We made preparations for the trip. 我们为旅行作准备。译典通

