
单词 作证
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COURT/TRIAL〕The congressman was called as a witness for the prosecution today. 今天,这位国会议员被传来为控方作证朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The attorney general has the right to compel witnesses to appear in court. 检察长有权强迫证人到庭作证朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕Police believe they may have found a potential witness. 警方认为他们也许已经找到有可能作证的人了。朗文写作活用〔God〕God knows I've tried talking to her, but she just won't listen.老天作证我试图和她谈过,但她就是不听。麦克米伦高阶〔HONEST〕When you testify in court, you have to swear to tell the truth. 出庭作证的时候必须起誓要说实话。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕I'm prepared to testify in court that I was in Carolyn's apartment that night. 我准备出庭作证,说那天晚上我在卡罗琳的公寓里。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation. 曾经作证说他有罪的那名证人已经撤销指控。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕She claims she received anonymous death threats after she gave evidence in the trial. 她说自从她在审讯中作证后,就收到了匿名的死亡恐吓。朗文写作活用〔appear〕He has been asked to appear as a witness for the defence.他已被传唤出庭为被告作证牛津高阶〔back sb up〕Will you back me up if I say that I never saw him? 如果我说从未见过他,你会为我作证吗?剑桥高阶〔back〕I'll back you up if they don't believe you.如果他们不相信你,我会为你作证牛津高阶〔bear sb/sth out〕If you tell them what happened I will bear you out (on it).如果你告诉他们所发生的事,我会为你作证的。剑桥高阶〔bear〕The other witnesses will bear me out.其他证人将给我作证牛津高阶〔begorra〕Used as a mild oath.天作证:用作委婉的发誓美国传统〔call〕The child waited two hours before she was called to give evidence.那孩子等了两小时才被传唤出庭作证外研社新世纪〔call〕They were called to give evidence at the trial.他们被传召出庭作证朗文当代〔come forward〕No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police appeal.不管警方怎么呼吁,仍然没有事故的目击者站出来作证剑桥高阶〔compel〕They gained the authority to compel sworn testimony from a number of women about Mr Clinton's sex life.他们得到授权, 可以强令几名女性就克林顿先生的性生活宣誓作证外研社新世纪〔contempt〕She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。牛津高阶〔contempt〕She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.她因拒绝作证而被控藐视法庭。牛津搭配〔counsel〕They were denied legal counsel or the right to call witnesses.他们聘请律师或召证人作证的权利都遭到拒绝。牛津搭配〔court of law〕We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证外研社新世纪〔court of law〕We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证柯林斯高阶〔depose〕Investigators will depose the witness behind closed doors.调查员们将让证人们在关闭的门后宣誓作证美国传统〔depose〕To state or affirm in a deposition or by affidavit.宣誓作证:通过宣誓或发誓声明或证实美国传统〔deposition〕Law Testimony under oath, especially a statement by a witness that is written down or recorded for use in court at a later date.【法律】 宣誓作证:宣誓作证,尤指通过写下的证词或记录的形式作出的在今后法庭上使用的证词美国传统〔document〕The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证21世纪英汉〔evidence〕A photo of the victim's injuries was produced in evidence.一张受害者受伤情况的照片被拿出来作证牛津搭配〔evidence〕Cabin crew have been giving evidence at the M1 aircrash enquiry.机舱人员一直在为M1空难调查作证柯林斯高阶〔evidence〕He refused to give evidence at the trial.他拒绝出庭作证朗文当代〔evidence〕Kemp was never called to give evidence.肯普从来没有被叫去作证麦克米伦高阶〔evidence〕She was hoping she would not have to give evidence in court.她但愿自己不必出庭作证牛津搭配〔evidence〕The documents may be used in evidence at the trial.这些文件可以在庭审时用作证据。朗文当代〔evidence〕The forensic scientists who carried out the original tests will be called to give evidence.进行最初化验的法医学家将被传唤到庭作证柯林斯高阶〔evidence〕These notes cannot be admitted in evidence.这些便条不能作证据用。外研社新世纪〔forward〕No witnesses have come forward.没有人站出来作证外研社新世纪〔give〕You may have to give evidence in court (=tell a court about what you have seen or know to be true) .你可能需要出庭作证朗文当代〔god〕Honest to God, I didn't tell her! 上帝作证,我没有告诉她!朗文当代〔goodness〕Goodness knows it wasn't me.老天爷作证,那不是我。英汉大词典〔honest〕Honest to God, Mary, I'm not joking.老天爷作证,玛丽,我不是开玩笑。牛津高阶〔immunity〕They would be granted immunity if they gave evidence in court.如果他们出庭作证,他们会被免予起诉。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕I testified last.我最后一个作证外研社新世纪〔last〕I testified last.我最后一个作证柯林斯高阶〔murder〕She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.她拒绝作证, 除非撤销对她的谋杀指控。外研社新世纪〔murder〕She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.除非撤销对她的谋杀指控,否则她拒绝作证柯林斯高阶〔name〕Detectives believe that a hit man was sent to silence the witness before he could name names (= give evidence to the court / police).侦探相信有人找杀手在证人作证前灭了口。牛津搭配〔necessity〕Mrs R has been spared the necessity of having to give evidence.R 夫人获准不是非要作证不可。牛津搭配〔notary public〕A person legally empowered to witness and certify the validity of documents and to take affidavits and depositions.公证人:有合法权力作证和检验文件是否有效的人,并可接受口供书和宣誓书美国传统〔oath〕Witnesses must testify under oath.证人必须先宣誓再作证牛津搭配〔overrun〕To print (a job order) in a quantity larger than that ordered.超量印刷:印刷(如工作证)超过所要求之量美国传统〔permit〕He got a fishing/work permit.他得到了捕鱼/工作证韦氏高阶〔precedent〕Constitutional precedent made it impossible to testify publicly.由于宪法惯例的原因, 公开作证是不可能实现的。外研社新世纪〔pretrial〕Cooper failed to testify in a pretrial hearing on 1 March.库栢未能在3月1日的审判前听证上作证剑桥高阶〔prosecution〕Colonel Pugh, for the prosecution, said that the offences occurred over a six-year period.皮尤上校为控方律师作证时说这些罪行是在6年的时间里犯下的。柯林斯高阶〔renew〕Police renewed their appeal for witnesses.警察再次呼吁目击证人出来作证朗文当代〔reprisal〕Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals.由于害怕报复,目击者不愿作证柯林斯高阶〔signature〕Your signature must be witnessed by two people.签名必须有两个人连署作证牛津搭配〔span〕Nearly 100 witnesses testified over a span of 20 days.在20天内有近100名证人出庭作证麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕He took the stand as the first witness.他第一个出庭作证牛津高阶〔stand〕The witness took the stand (= went to the place in a court where you stand and answer questions).目击者出庭作证剑桥高阶〔stand〕When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony.那位父亲今天出庭作证时,驳斥了自己儿子的证词。柯林斯高阶〔step down〕Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.伊藤法官说,如果他的妻子被传作证,他将不再担任初审法官。柯林斯高阶〔subpoena〕A writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony.传票:传唤到庭作证的书面命令美国传统〔subpoena〕They were subpoenaed to testify before the judge.他们被传唤到庭作证剑桥高阶〔summing-up〕There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing-up.法官在作证据总结时, 法庭上出现了一片混乱。外研社新世纪〔summons〕A notice summoning a person to report to court as a juror or witness.传票:让某人出庭作证或作为陪审员出庭的通知美国传统〔summon〕He has been summoned from New York to give evidence at the trial.他被从纽约召来出庭作证牛津搭配〔swear〕Law To give evidence or testimony under oath.【法律】 起誓后作证:在誓言保证下提供证据或证词美国传统〔testification〕Brayne testified for the plaintiff.布雷恩为原告作证21世纪英汉〔testify〕Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime? 你能作证你看到被告在犯罪现场吗?朗文当代〔testify〕Eva testified to having seen Herndon with his gun on the stairs.伊娃作证称看见过赫恩登持枪站在楼梯上。外研社新世纪〔testify〕Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.莫尔托先生已经同意出庭作证朗文当代〔testify〕She refused to testify against her husband.她拒绝出庭作证指控丈夫。牛津高阶〔testify〕Witnesses testify to his attempts at rape.证人就他的强奸企图作证英汉大词典〔trial〕He would be a witness at the trial.他将在审判时出庭作证英汉大词典〔unless〕Unless they get protection, they will not testify.如果得不到保护,他们不会作证的。朗文当代〔vouch〕I was in bed with the flu. My wife can vouch for that.我患流感卧床休息了。我的妻子可为此作证牛津高阶〔vouch〕Why don't you phone my office? They'll vouch for me.你为什么不打电话到我的办公室? 他们会为我作证朗文当代〔wipe〕They wiped him out to keep him from appearing as a witness.他们把他干掉,为的是不让他出庭作证英汉大词典〔witness stand〕A stand or an enclosed area in a courtroom from which a witness presents testimony.证人席:法庭内证人作证的站台或围起的一块地方美国传统〔witness to〕He witnessed to having seen the accused kill the boy.他作证说曾看到被告杀了那男孩。21世纪英汉〔witness〕Could you witness my signature on this visa application? 你能为我这次的签证申请签名作证吗?麦克米伦高阶〔witness〕He witnessed her will.他在她的遗嘱上签名作证英汉大词典〔witness〕In the past the sea level was much higher, as is witnessed by remnants of raised beaches.过去海平面要高得多,这些高出来的海岸遗迹可以作证麦克米伦高阶〔witness〕Many veterans believe it is their job to bear witness to the horrors of war that they personally experienced.很多老兵认为他们有职责为他们亲身经历的战争的恐怖作证柯林斯高阶〔witness〕One who is called on to testify before a court.证人:被传到法庭上作证的人美国传统〔witness〕Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident.警方呼吁这起事故的目击者出来作证牛津高阶〔witness〕Witness Heaven! 让老天作证吧!英汉大词典A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.被告方律师传唤受害人的朋友出庭作证剑桥国际He testified to having seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder.他作证说曾经看到那人差不多在谋杀发生时离开大楼。剑桥国际He was summoned to appear in court as a witness. 他被传唤出庭作证译典通I'm giving evidence in a court case next week.下星期的庭审中我将出庭作证剑桥国际No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police's appeal.不管警方怎么呼吁,仍然没有事故的目击者挺身出来作证剑桥国际She appeared as (a) witness for the defence/prosecution.她出庭为被告/原告作证牛津商务She testified for/on behalf of her family.她代表她的家庭(在法庭)作证剑桥国际The company produced receipts in substantiation of (= to support) its claim.公司出示收据为其索赔作证剑桥国际The next witness will testify for the defense. 下一个证人将为被告人作证译典通The police have reassured witnesses who may be afraid to come forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity (=their names will not be requested or told to others).警方消除了那些害怕出来作证的目击者的顾虑,保证将他们的名字保密。剑桥国际The witness testified that he had seen the man shoot at his victim. 证人作证说他看到那男人向其受害者开枪。译典通They testified for the prosecution.他们为起诉作证剑桥国际

