
单词 sermons
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔conceit〕His sermons were full of puns and conceits.他的布道用了大量的双关语和巧妙的比喻。朗文当代〔jostle〕I wandered into the library and saw that volumes of Victorian sermons jostled with tomes on field sports.我漫步进了图书馆, 看到许多卷维多利亚时代的布道经与大部头的户外运动书籍陈列在一起。外研社新世纪〔off〕He dozed off during the sermons.他在做礼拜时打起了瞌睡。英汉大词典〔parish〕Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。柯林斯高阶〔preparation〕Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons.几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。柯林斯高阶〔sermon〕I really don't think it's a politician's job to go delivering sermons on public morality.我确实觉得对公共道德作长篇说教并不是政客的职责。剑桥高阶〔unction〕The sermons of today lack unction.今天的布道缺乏激情。英汉大词典〔vernacular〕Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language.这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。外研社新世纪〔vernacular〕Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language.这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。柯林斯高阶I really don't think it's a politician's job to go delivering sermons on public morality.我确实觉得政治家的工作不是对公共道德作长篇训诫。剑桥国际It's difficult to imagine people's reactions when he first arrived in the city and began to preach his radical sermons from the pulpit.很难想象他刚到这个城市开始在讲坛宣讲他激进的布道时人们的反应。剑桥国际The priest gave sermons in a tabernacle. 这位牧师在一个大礼拜堂里布道。译典通

