
单词 大可
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕That sounds a pretty unlikely story to me! 那番话我觉得不大可信!朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The inconsistency of her work makes a really good result unlikely. 她工作表现时好时坏,这使她不大可能取得特别好的成绩。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men. 一个优柔寡断的指挥官不大可能得到部下的信任。朗文写作活用〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕The article was intended to cause the greatest possible embarrassment to the government. 这篇文章旨在给政府造成最大可能的难堪。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕He thought it unlikely that the Republican party would be in government for much longer. 他认为共和党不大可能还会执政很久。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕A spokesman said that forced repatriation was unlikely to start before November. 一位发言人说,11月份之前不大可能采取强行遣返的行动。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕The political stance of the paper means it is unlikely to report the affair in a balanced way. 这家报纸的政治立场意味着它不大可能不偏不倚地报道这一事件。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕It's doubtful that we'll finish this tonight. 我们不大可能今晚就完成。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Although his argument is appealing, it doesn't really hold up. 尽管他的论点很吸引人,但不大可信。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The rains came this weekend, much to the relief of tomato growers in Florida. 这个周末下了雨,佛罗里达的番茄菜农大可放心了。朗文写作活用〔add salt to sth〕You can be sure she'll always add salt to the conversation! 你大可放心,她总能够让对话更有趣。剑桥高阶〔appear〕Winning the election appears unlikely at this point.此刻赢得选举似乎不大可能。韦氏高阶〔arrive〕It's very unlikely that your baby will arrive before you get to hospital.你的孩子不大可能在你到达医院之前就出生。柯林斯高阶〔attachment〕She is unlikely to give up her lifelong attachment to feminist ideas.她不大可能放弃她终生信仰的女权主义思想。剑桥高阶〔badly〕If the war goes badly, he is unlikely to remain in power.如果战事不利的话,他不大可能继续掌权。麦克米伦高阶〔bet〕He said he'd finish by tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet on it.他说他明天之前完成,可我认为不大可能。朗文当代〔blast〕You are unlikely to run the heater at full blast for long periods.你不大可能把暖气长时间地开到最高温度。外研社新世纪〔calculated〕This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20.这种生活对于一个 20 岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。牛津高阶〔call〕It is unlikely that they will heed calls for a crackdown.他们不大可能听从严打的号召。牛津搭配〔carry〕The plan is not likely to carry much weight with (=have much influence over) the authorities.这一计划对当局不大可能具有多大的影响力。朗文当代〔contemporarily〕He is too contemporarily televisual to play the eighteenth-century part with any success.他是个十足的当代电视演员,饰演这个18世纪的角色不大可能成功。英汉大词典〔credible〕The story of what had happened to her was barely (= almost not) credible.关于她的遭遇的说法不大可信。剑桥高阶〔crop〕The current crop of students will be unlikely to get a job for life.现在这批学生不大可能找到一份终身工作。外研社新世纪〔die down〕The controversy is unlikely to die down.争论不大可能平息。外研社新世纪〔dodgy〕Predicting voting trends from economic forecasts is a dodgy business.根据对经济的预测来预言选举的走势不大可靠。外研社新世纪〔doubtfully〕Forsyth is doubtful for tonight's game with a badly bruised leg.福赛斯腿部严重擦伤,不大可能参加今晚的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔doubtful〕Already the whole scheme was looking increasingly doubtful.整个计划看起来已经越来越不大可能成功了。朗文当代〔doubtful〕It is extremely doubtful that he will be fit enough to play in the final.以他的身体状况, 能否参加决赛, 大可怀疑。外研社新世纪〔doubtful〕Kirkwood is doubtful for tonight's match.柯克伍德不大可能参加今晚的比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔drivel〕The politicians always drivel on about promises that they can't possibly fulfil.政客们老是喋喋不休地作些不大可能实现的允诺。英汉大词典〔enter into〕The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border.美国和加拿大可能会签订一项协议,使得两国之间的跨国就业更容易。柯林斯高阶〔evidence〕There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大可能被定罪。剑桥高阶〔evoke〕His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.他的情况不大可能引起公众的同情。牛津高阶〔excited〕I don't think there's any reason to get excited about inflation.我觉得大可不必为通货膨胀而心烦。外研社新世纪〔extend〕Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the exam.吉姆大可不必为这次考试那么拚命。牛津高阶〔extract〕They are unlikely to extract much benefit from the trip.他们不大可能从这次旅行中获得很多益处。牛津高阶〔fall back into〕He believed the economy was unlikely to fall back into recession.他认为经济不大可能重陷萧条。外研社新世纪〔far〕You can't go far wrong with ice cream.在选冰激凌方面你不大可能出错。外研社新世纪〔favour〕These plans are unlikely to find favour unless the cost is reduced.这些计划除非缩减费用,否则不大可能得到支持。剑桥高阶〔follow〕Canada may follow the EU's example by banning these products.加拿大可能会仿效欧盟禁止这些产品。麦克米伦高阶〔frank〕To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦诚相告,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。牛津高阶〔game plan〕He is unlikely to alter his game plan.他不大可能改变自己的策略。柯林斯高阶〔gauge〕Gauging by the polls, it's not likely he'll win the election.从民意测验判断他不大可能赢得选举。麦克米伦高阶〔greet〕It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.该提议不大可能在波罗的海诸国得到热烈响应。柯林斯高阶〔hearing〕You haven't much chance of your plan getting a sympathetic hearing.你不大可能有机会让别人好好听你的计划。牛津搭配〔honest〕To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。牛津高阶〔hookup〕Informal A linkage or connection, often between unlikely associates or factors.【非正式用语】 联盟:不大可能的同伴或因素之间的连接或联系美国传统〔improbable〕It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.当前的局势似乎不大可能继续下去。牛津高阶〔improbable〕It's improbable that a lawyer would give such advice.律师是不大可能给出这种建议的。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕The job is unlikely to be finished inside (of) a year 这项工作不大可能在一年之内完成。牛津高阶〔integrity〕You can trust his integrity.他为人正直,你大可放心。牛津同义词〔invoke〕It is unlikely that libel laws will be invoked.不大可能诉诸诽谤法。牛津高阶〔itchy〕If you have itchy feet, then you are unlikely to be fully satisfied in your job.如果你总想着跳槽, 那么你对工作不大可能完全满意。外研社新世纪〔limit〕The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.工会不大可能接受任何形式的工资限制。牛津高阶〔long shot〕The horse was a long shot, but we bet on him anyway.这匹马不大可能获胜,但我们仍然把赌注押在它身上。韦氏高阶〔may〕You may well think so.你大可这样想。文馨英汉〔next door〕Let's face it, with a nickname like Come-on Carmen she's not likely to be the girl next door.现实些吧, 她既然有“诱惑的卡门”这么个绰号, 就不大可能是邻家女孩那种类型的。外研社新世纪〔next〕It would be next to impossible to do the job in such a short time.这么短的时间里干这件事是不大可能的。英汉大词典〔odds〕He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead.他认为这项方案不大可能开始实施。外研社新世纪〔odds〕The odds are against his coming.他不大可能会来。外研社新世纪〔opinion〕After their bad results, they are not likely to have a very good opinion of themselves.由于考试成绩差,他们不大可能自视过高。英汉大词典〔outsider〕A contestant given little chance of winning; a long shot.获胜机会很少者:不大可能获胜的选手;获胜可能性非常微小地参加者美国传统〔practicable〕We aim to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of pollutants.我们的目标是在最大可行的程度上减少污染物的排放。牛津搭配〔privacy〕With seven people squashed in one house, you don't get much privacy.七个人挤在一间房子里,想要独处不大可能。朗文当代〔prospect〕Bankruptcy is an unlikely prospect for the company.这家公司不大可能破产。韦氏高阶〔push〕This film is unlikely to attract large audiences unless it gets/it is given a big push in the media.除非在媒体中大作宣传,否则这部电影不大可能吸引大批观众。剑桥高阶〔recommendation〕The committee's recommendations are unlikely to be made public.委员会的建议不大可能公开。柯林斯高阶〔recover〕He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs.他不大可能收回他的诉讼费用了。牛津高阶〔remote〕There's a remote chance that you can catch him before he leaves.你不大可能在他离开前抓住他。朗文当代〔reversal〕Reversal of the decision is unlikely.要撤销这个判决是不大可能的。韦氏高阶〔riffle〕The Grinnell girls were doing their best trying to win first in the volleyball tournament but they couldn't quite make the riffle.格林耐尔女队正全力以赴试图在排球邀请赛中争冠军,但她们不大可能获得成功。英汉大词典〔safe〕It's safe to assume that she isn't married.大可认为她还未婚。韦氏高阶〔scepticism〕Such claims should be regarded with a certain amount of scepticism.对这样的说法,大可不必全信。牛津高阶〔see〕Seeing that he's been off sick all week he's unlikely to come.他请病假整整一周了,所以今天也不大可能来。牛津高阶〔sense〕There's no sense in(= it is not sensible)worrying about it now.现在大可不必为那件事忧虑。牛津高阶〔showing〕On(= judging by)last week's showing, the team is unlikely to win today.从上星期的表现来看,这支队伍今天不大可能获胜。牛津高阶〔sound〕That story of yours doesn't sound very likely.你说的那些话听起来似乎不大可信。英汉大词典〔spring a surprise〕Everyone knows she's not likely to spring a surprise.大家知道她不大可能做出出人意料的事。韦氏高阶〔spring〕Roy is unlikely to spring any surprises.罗伊不大可能做出让人吃惊的事情。朗文当代〔succeed〕The appeal is unlikely to succeed.上诉不大可能赢。牛津搭配〔that〕It is unlikely that she'll be in.她不大可能在家。韦氏高阶〔thinking〕They are unlikely to have changed their thinking so soon.他们不大可能这么快就改变想法了。牛津搭配〔throw ... off〕The young tennis player is unlikely to throw off the more experienced competitor.这个年轻的网球选手不大可能击败更有经验的对手。21世纪英汉〔to〕It's not likely to happen.这事不大可能发生。剑桥高阶〔unfortunate〕The unfortunate victims of the pension fund fraud are unlikely to get their money back.养老基金骗局的不幸受害者不大可能拿回被骗走的钱。麦克米伦高阶〔unlikelihood〕He acknowledges the unlikelihood of achieving lasting peace.他承认实现持久和平不大可能。外研社新世纪〔unlikely〕He thought it unlikely that she would refuse.他认为她不大可能会拒绝。牛津搭配〔unlikely〕Her recovery is unlikely. = It is unlikely that she will recover. = She is unlikely to recover.她不大可能康复了。韦氏高阶〔unlikely〕It's pretty unlikely (that) they'll turn up now - it's nearly ten o'clock.他们现在不大可能来了——都快10点了。剑桥高阶〔would〕One would have thought that.(只要在那种情况)任何人都大可那样想的。文馨英汉Great stress can sometimes cause a woman to miss a period.有时压力太大可能导致月经失常。剑桥国际He came up with an improbable-sounding excuse as to why they were late.他为他们的迟到提出了一个听上去不大可能的借口。剑桥国际It's not beyond the bounds of possibility (= It's not impossible) that they'll win the match, but it doesn't seem very likely.他们不是没有可能赢得比赛,而是看上去不大可能。剑桥国际It's not likely to happen but I wouldn't rule out the possibility (= say that it certainly won't happen).不大可能发生,但我也不排除可能性。剑桥国际It's not likely to happen.不大可能发生。剑桥国际She is unlikely to give up her lifelong attachment to (=support of ) feminist ideas.她是不大可能放弃她终身所热衷支持的女权主义思想的。剑桥国际The 40-hour week is unlikely to be reinstated.每周工作四十小时的制度是不大可能恢复的。牛津商务The government is unlikely to permit the merger of the two companies.政府不大可能允许这两家公司合并。牛津商务Their claim to have invented a solar-powered car seems far-fetched.他们发明了太阳能汽车的声明听起来不大可信。剑桥国际They are unlikely to marry. 他们不大可能结婚。译典通

