
单词 地层
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anticline〕A fold with strata sloping downward on both sides from a common crest.背斜:地层从山峰两侧向下倾斜所形成的褶皱美国传统〔aquifer〕An underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water.地下蓄水层,砂石含水层:含有水的泥、砂砾或多孔石的地下河床或地层美国传统〔artesian well〕A well drilled through impermeable strata to reach water capable of rising to the surface by internal hydrostatic pressure.自流井:一种穿过不透水地层地层内部流体静压力可使水升到地表水层的井美国传统〔bed up〕The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal.石灰岩和煤并藏于地层中。21世纪英汉〔bedding〕Geology Stratification of rocks into beds.【地质学】 层理:岩石层理形成地层美国传统〔bed〕A deposit, as of ore, parallel to local stratification.沉积物:平行于局部地层的沉积物,如矿层美国传统〔bed〕A rock mass of large horizontal extent bounded, especially above, by physically different material.地层:一个水平的大岩石区域,特别是在它的上面邻接的是不同物质的材料美国传统〔bed〕Geology To form layers or strata.【地质学】 形成地层或层面美国传统〔coal measures〕Coal Measures A stratigraphic unit equivalent to the Pennsylvanian or Upper Carboniferous periods. Coal Measures 煤系:地层单位,相当于美国宾夕法尼亚纪或上石炭纪时期的地层单位美国传统〔coal measures〕Strata of the Carboniferous period containing coal deposits.地层:石炭纪时期有煤层的地层美国传统〔conformable〕Geology Of, relating to, or being strata that are parallel to each other without interruption.【地质学】 (地层)平行一致的:相互平行无断裂的地层的或与之有关的美国传统〔disintegrable〕The older strata gradually disintegrated.年代较久的地层逐渐崩解了。21世纪英汉〔facies〕Geology A rock or stratified body distinguished from others by its appearance or composition.【地质学】 相:外观或成分上不同于其它的岩石或地层美国传统〔fold〕Geology A bend in a stratum of rock.【地质学】 地层折曲:岩石地层的褶曲美国传统〔fold〕Geology To form bends in (a stratum of rock).【地质学】 地层褶曲:(在地层的岩石上)形成弯曲美国传统〔folium〕Geology A thin, leaflike layer or stratum occurring especially in metamorphic rock.【地质学】 叶形线:薄的叶状地层,尤其出现于变质岩中美国传统〔formation〕Geology The primary unit of lithostratigraphy, consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping or description.【地质学】 地层,岩组:岩石地层的基本单位,构成用于制图或描绘的一系列层次美国传统〔fossil〕A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.化石:埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等美国传统〔group〕A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era.地层学单位:地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位美国传统〔heave〕Geology To displace or move (a vein, lode, or stratum, for example).【地质学】 (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动:置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)美国传统〔homotaxis〕Similarity of stratigraphic arrangement and fossils in noncontemporaneous or widely separated geologic deposits.排列类似:不同时代或相距很远的地质矿床在化石和地层分布上的相似美国传统〔horizon〕A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.地层,岩层:处于土地的垂直横截面中的某一具体土层或次土层美国传统〔horizon〕A specific position in a stratigraphic column, such as the location of one or more fossils, that serves to identify the stratum with a particular period.层位:地层柱中的一个特定位置,例如,一种或多种化石的地层位置,这些化石的位置可用于确定其所在地层的年代美国传统〔horse〕A large block of displaced rock that is caught along a fault.夹块,夹石:绵延的地层中大块的移位岩石美国传统〔inlier〕An area or a formation of older rocks completely surrounded by younger layers.内围层:完全被新层包围的旧岩石的地区或地层美国传统〔lithostratigraphy〕Stratigraphy based on the physical and petrographic properties of rocks.岩石层位学:以岩石的物理和岩相性质为基础的地层美国传统〔mantle〕Geology The layer of the earth between the crust and the core.【地质学】 地幔:位于地壳和地核之间的地层美国传统〔monocline〕A geologic structure in which all layers are inclined in the same direction.单斜结构:一种所有地层朝同一方向倾斜的地质结构美国传统〔oil sand〕A stratum of sand or sandstone containing petroleum.油砂:含石油的沙或沙石地层美国传统〔outcrop〕A portion of bedrock or other stratum protruding through the soil level.出露层:露出地表的一部分基岩或其他地层美国传统〔outcrop〕The formation outcrops along the east side of the river.地层沿着河的东侧露出地表。外研社新世纪〔range〕The range of the strata is east and west.地层作东西走向。英汉大词典〔run〕Geology A vein or seam, as of ore or rock.【地质学】 地层:(矿石或岩石)矿脉或矿层美国传统〔straticulate〕Having thin layers.薄地层美国传统〔stratigraphy〕The study of rock strata, especially the distribution, deposition, and age of sedimentary rocks.地层学:研究岩石的分层、尤其是沉积岩的分布、沉积与年代的学科美国传统〔stratum〕Geology A bed or layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout.【地质学】 地层:组成成份大致相同的沉积岩的岩床或岩层美国传统〔subsidence〕The house was damaged by subsidence.那栋房子由于地层下陷而受损。文馨英汉〔zone〕Geology A region or stratum distinguished by composition or content.【地质学】 地带:以构成成分和含量来区别的区域或地层美国传统We can follow the history of life through the strata. 我们可以透过这一层层的地层跟踪生命的历史。译典通

