
单词 多丽丝
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕In her autobiography, Doris Lessing writes about her childhood in Zimbabwe. 多丽丝·莱辛在她的自传中写到她在津巴布韦度过的童年生活。朗文写作活用〔FATHER〕My old man never could understand why I married Doris. 我家老头子永远也搞不懂我为什么娶了多丽丝朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I was always timid about taking action in a crisis, but not Doris. 碰到危急情况我总是不够果断,但多丽丝却不是这样。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that? 多丽丝悲痛欲绝,她丈夫怎能就这样抛弃了她呢?朗文写作活用〔flattered〕We're flattered and honoured to receive this Doris Day Award.能获得多丽丝·戴奖,我们深感荣幸和光荣。柯林斯高阶〔fluffy〕Doris Day and Rock Hudson in something light, fluffy and funny多丽丝•戴和罗克•赫德森在一部轻松、浪漫又搞笑的影片中外研社新世纪〔hear〕I don't think you've ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before.我想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈自己的感情生活。柯林斯高阶〔lapse into〕Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep.多丽丝·布朗闭上眼睛, 慢慢进入了梦乡。外研社新世纪〔lapse〕Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep.多丽丝·布朗闭上眼睛,安然入睡。柯林斯高阶〔like〕Doris and her sister are very like.多丽丝跟她的姐姐长得很像。英汉大词典〔mixed doubles〕Vic Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles.维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。柯林斯高阶〔mixed doubles〕Vic Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles.维克•塞克萨斯和多丽丝•哈特赢得了混双比赛。外研社新世纪〔needle〕She was needling me about Doris.她正拿多丽丝的事来刺激我。外研社新世纪〔recollect〕As far as I (can) recollect, her name is Doris.我记得她的名字叫多丽丝英汉大词典〔so〕He lowered his voice so Doris couldn't hear.他压低了嗓音,这样多丽丝就不会听到了。朗文当代〔uncommon〕Doris is a very uncommon name nowadays.多丽丝这个名字现在很少见了。麦克米伦高阶〔write〕Doris writes with verve and wit.多丽丝的写作充满激情和智慧。牛津搭配At 85, Doris, single, diabetic and living alone, was becoming increasingly forgetful and frail.到了85岁,单身、患有糖尿病、一人独居的多丽丝变得越来越健忘虚弱。剑桥国际Doris suffered a broken bone in her foot. 多丽丝的一只脚骨折了。译典通

