
单词 汇款
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cash〕Where can I get this postal order cashed? 这张邮政汇款单我可以在哪里取款?英汉大词典〔draft〕A written order directing the payment of money from an account or fund.汇款:指示直接从户头或基金付款的书面命令美国传统〔drawee〕The party on which an order for the payment of money is drawn.受票人:收到别人开立汇款单的人美国传统〔receipt〕Goods will be sent on receipt of remittance.一俟汇款收到,当立即发货。英汉大词典〔recorded delivery〕Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders.对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。柯林斯高阶〔remittance〕Please enclose your remittance, making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology.请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。柯林斯高阶〔remittance〕Please return the completed form with your remittance.请将填好的表格连同汇款寄回。牛津高阶〔remittance〕Remittance can be made by check or credit card.汇款可通过支票或信用卡支付。韦氏高阶〔remittance〕Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card.可通过支票或信用卡汇款牛津高阶〔remittance〕Return the form with the remittance to this office.把表格连同汇款一并寄回本办公室。英汉大词典〔remittance〕The sending of money to someone at a distance.汇款:寄钱给在远方的人美国传统〔remittance〕The sum of money sent.汇款额:汇款的数额美国传统〔remit〕Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families.许多移民定期给他们的家人汇款柯林斯高阶〔remit〕To transmit (money) in payment.汇款登记入帐美国传统〔remit〕To transmit money.汇款美国传统〔wire〕They arranged to wire the money from the United States.他们安排从美国汇款柯林斯高阶Enclose the remittance slip with your payment (= a form with details of the payment, the customer's name, etc.).付款请随附汇款单。牛津商务He sends regular remittances to his parents. 他定期汇款给他父母。译典通Please return the completed form with your remittance.请将填好的表格连同汇款一起寄回。牛津商务Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card.可用支票或信用卡汇款牛津商务The prospect of imminent war caused plunging stock prices and a failure of remittance from overseas.对战争即将来临的预见使得 股票价格猛跌,也断绝了海外汇款剑桥国际

