
单词 游乐园
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕The amusement park is built around a man-made lake. 游乐园环绕一个人工湖而建。朗文写作活用〔amusement park〕A commercially operated enterprise that offers rides, games, and other forms of entertainment.游乐园:一种商业性经营单位,提供骑马、游戏和其它娱乐方式美国传统〔carousel〕A merry-go-round, as one at an amusement park.旋转木马,如游乐园的木马美国传统〔inclusive〕The amusement park is open (from) May through October.游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。牛津高阶〔inclusive〕The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive.游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。牛津高阶〔interest〕Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕It's the biggest theme park outside the United States.这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园牛津高阶〔pay〕I paid to enter the amusement park.我付费进入游乐园文馨英汉〔ride〕We went on all the rides.我们玩了游乐园里所有的装置。剑桥高阶〔roller coaster〕A steep, sharply curving elevated railway with small open passenger cars that is operated at high speeds as a ride, especially in an amusement park.翻滚过山车, 云霄飞车:一种上有敞篷的小型车厢且快速行驶的有急转弯的大坡度高架轨道,尤指游乐园中的乘坐装置美国传统〔water park〕An amusement park whose attractions include slides, fountains, and other recreational settings involving water.水上乐园:以滑水道、喷水池及其它水上相关休闲设施为吸引人主题的方式游乐园美国传统〔wonderland〕Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks.孩子们觉得乔治湖村是个绝妙的游乐园柯林斯高阶In the amusement park, you can see lots of rollicking children. 在游乐园中,你可以看到许多高兴地喧闹的孩子。译典通

