
单词 带来和平
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bring〕Can anything bring peace to this troubled region? 有什么能给这个动荡的地区带来和平吗?韦氏高阶〔bring〕The aim of the military intervention is to bring peace to the region.军队介入是为了给该地区带来和平外研社新世纪〔find〕Do you think they'll ever find a way of bringing peace to the region? 你认为他们能找到办法给这个地区带来和平吗?剑桥高阶〔honour〕The prime minister sought an agreement that would bring peace with honour.首相希望达成的协议既能够带来和平,又要不失体面。牛津搭配〔hope〕A coalition government offers the country its best hope for peace.联合政府将最有可能为这个国家带来和平麦克米伦高阶〔intervene〕Intervening militarily will not bring peace.军事干预不会带来和平牛津搭配〔mediation〕Law An attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between disputants through the objective intervention of a neutral party.【法律】 调停:通过一中立方的客观公正的调停以期为冲突各方带来和平的解决争端的方式或使之相互妥协美国传统〔peace〕They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.他们希望该条约能够为东南亚带来和平与稳定。柯林斯高阶If this fighting finally brings peace to the area, the soldiers will not have died in vain.假如这次战斗最终给这个地区带来和平,那些士兵也算没有白死。剑桥国际

