
单词 有并发症
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attend〕Secondary symptoms usually attend the disease.这种疾病通常伴有并发症麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕About one child in 15 who catches measles will suffer complications.大约十五分之一的麻疹患儿会有并发症外研社新世纪〔complication〕If there are no complications, the doctor says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.如果没有并发症的话,医生说她两周内就可以出院了。剑桥高阶〔pregnancy〕My first pregnancy was very straightforward - there were no complications.我第一次怀孕很顺利——没有并发症剑桥高阶〔uncomplicated〕Not involving medical complications.没有并发症美国传统If there are no complications, the doctor says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.如果没有并发症发生的话,医生说她能在两个星期内出院。剑桥国际My first pregnancy was very straightforward -- there were no complications.我第一次怀孕很顺利----没有并发症剑桥国际

