
单词 咬住
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bay〕Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。牛津高阶〔bite〕The hungry dog bit on a bone.饿狗咬住了一块骨头。英汉大词典〔bottom〕I gnaw on the inside of my bottom lip, and try to smile.我咬住下嘴唇, 强作笑颜。外研社新世纪〔break〕I had to bite my tongue to keep from breaking up.我必须咬住舌头才不笑出来。英汉大词典〔bury〕The dog buried its teeth in my leg.狗使劲咬住我的腿。朗文当代〔clamp〕The dog's jaws were clamped to my leg.狗紧紧咬住了我的腿。牛津搭配〔engage〕The wheel engages with the cog and turns it.轮子咬住轮齿并带动它转动。朗文当代〔fasten〕The dog fastened his teeth in the old shoe.狗咬住了那只旧鞋。英汉大词典〔fasten〕The dog fastened its teeth on my sleeve.那条狗死死地咬住我的袖子。韦氏高阶〔get〕The dog got the thief by the leg.狗咬住了贼的腿。英汉大词典〔get〕The dog got the thief by the leg.那只狗咬住了小偷的腿。韦氏高阶〔grapple〕The dog grappled the thief's leg in his jaws.狗一口咬住窃贼的腿。英汉大词典〔grapple〕The dog's grapple held the bone fast between his teeth.狗紧紧咬住骨头。英汉大词典〔have〕The dog's got him by the leg.那只狗紧紧咬住他的腿。韦氏高阶〔hit〕The fish hits the hook at one swoop.那条鱼一下子就咬住了钩。21世纪英汉〔hold〕He held the sandwich between his teeth.他咬住三明治。麦克米伦高阶〔jaw〕The dog had his arm clamped between its jaws.那条狗紧紧咬住他的胳膊。牛津搭配〔jaw〕The dog locked its jaws on her leg and wouldn't let go.那条狗紧紧咬住她的腿不放。牛津搭配〔keep〕She bit her lip to keep from crying.她咬住嘴唇不哭。柯林斯高阶〔neck〕The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.猫咬住其幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来。牛津搭配〔nip〕The dog nipped my ankle.狗咬住我的脚踝。英汉大词典〔nip〕The fish nipped the wader's toe.鱼咬住了涉水者的脚趾美国传统〔pace〕With four laps to go, he kept pace with the leaders.还剩4圈的时候,他紧紧咬住领先者。柯林斯高阶〔run〕A trout took the fly and ran upstream.一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。英汉大词典〔seize〕To cohere or fuse with another part as a result of high pressure or temperature and restrict or prevent further motion or flow.卡住,咬住:因高压或过热而与其它部分连接或融合,从而限制或阻止进一步移动或流动美国传统〔snap at〕The dog snapped at my trousers.那只狗猛然咬住了我的裤子。21世纪英汉〔snap〕The dog snapped the criminal's arm at once.那条狗一下子就咬住了罪犯的胳臂。21世纪英汉〔snap〕To bring the jaws briskly together, often with a clicking sound; bite.猛咬:有力地将上下颚合在一起,通常带有碰撞的声音;咬住美国传统〔snap〕To snatch at with or as if with the teeth; bite.猛咬:用牙或似乎是用牙齿咬住;咬美国传统〔tangle up〕The teeth are like razors. Once you get tangled up it will never let you go.其牙齿就像剃刀,一旦咬住你它就绝不会松开。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕The cat sank its teeth into his finger.那只猫狠狠咬住了他的手指。牛津高阶〔tooth〕The dog sank its teeth into my leg.那条狗狠狠地咬住我的腿。朗文当代〔venom〕The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.毒蛇咬住猎物之后马上注入毒液。牛津搭配〔wear down〕Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes.抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。柯林斯高阶A crab nipped his toe. 一只蟹咬住了他的脚趾。译典通The dog grabbed hold of the suitcase with its teeth and hung on like grim death.这条狗用牙齿夺去手提箱,死死咬住剑桥国际The dog sank her teeth into (= bit) the ball and ran off with it.那只狗用牙咬住球,带着它跑开了。剑桥国际The enormous fish snapped the fly. 这条大鱼咬住了钓饵。译典通The leopard seizes its kill and drags it into the bushes to eat.豹子咬住它的猎物,拖到灌木丛里去吃。剑桥国际

