
单词 可口的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLD〕Can I interest you in a nice, cool drink? 我给你介绍一种可口的冷饮,你感兴趣吗?朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕Preparing good nourishing family meals was a challenge with eight mouths to feed. 要做出有营养又可口的饭菜给一个八口之家吃很不容易。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕My Mum has the recipe for a really delicious prawn curry. 我妈妈有一种很可口的对虾咖喱烹调法。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕Jeff cooked us a delicious meal last night. 杰夫昨晚为我们做了顿很可口的饭。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕The fish was served with a delicate mushroom sauce. 这鱼配了清淡可口的蘑菇酱。朗文写作活用〔alchemy〕She manages, by some extraordinary alchemy, to turn the most ordinary of ingredients into the most delicious of dishes.她像用了魔法似的,竟然能用极普通的配料做出非常可口的菜肴。剑桥高阶〔altogether〕Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife – altogether a great vacation! 充沛的阳光,可口的食物,美妙的夜生活 — 总的说来,这次度假开心极了!朗文当代〔besides〕Besides its famous cakes, the bakery also makes delicious breads and cookies.除了蛋糕有名之外,这家面包店还做美味可口的面包和曲奇饼干。韦氏高阶〔be〕Summer is everything good to eat.夏季意味着各种各样可口的东西。英汉大词典〔can〕Can I have another piece of that delicious cake? 我能再吃一块那可口的蛋糕吗?麦克米伦高阶〔conceit〕I did conceit a most delicious feast.我确曾期望宴会上会有极其美味可口的菜肴。英汉大词典〔conjure〕Every day a different chef will be conjuring up delicious dishes in the restaurant.每天,饭店里会有一位不同的大厨像变戏法似的奉上可口的菜肴。柯林斯高阶〔conjure〕He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers.他居然用几样吃剩的东西做出了可口的一餐。牛津高阶〔cook〕She cooked them all a good dinner every night.她每晚给他们烧一顿可口的晚餐。朗文当代〔dainty〕They served dainty sandwiches on silver trays.他们用银盘将精致可口的三明治端了上来。韦氏高阶〔deliciously〕There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from.总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。柯林斯高阶〔delicious〕Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses, especially of taste or smell.美味的,可口的:使感官很愉悦的,尤指味觉和嗅觉美国传统〔dish〕She cooked us a delicious French dish with pork and tomatoes.她用猪肉和西红柿给我们做了一道美味可口的法国菜。牛津搭配〔do sb proud〕We had a lovely tea - Sheila did us proud.我们一起吃了可口的茶点——希拉对我们真热情。剑桥高阶〔dulcet〕Archaic Sweet to the taste.【古语】 可口的美国传统〔farce〕A seasoned stuffing, as for roasted turkey.可口的填料:一种可口的填料,如用于烤火鸡美国传统〔flavorful〕Full of flavor; savory.可口的,好吃的:充满香味的;美味可口的美国传统〔fruity〕This wine has a delicious fruity flavour.这种酒有一种可口的水果香味。剑桥高阶〔give〕The ginger gives the dish a wonderful spicy flavour.生姜使这道菜带有可口的辣味。朗文当代〔jimmies〕Small particles of chocolate or flavored candy sprinkled on ice cream as a topping.小糖粒:巧克力的小颗粒或作为装饰物洒在冰淇淋上的可口的糖果美国传统〔lovely〕We enjoyed a lovely dinner.我们吃了一顿可口的晚餐。韦氏高阶〔magic〕Patricia can magic up a delicious meal in five minutes.帕特里夏能够在5分钟内做出一顿可口的饭菜。麦克米伦高阶〔meal〕He cooked us a delicious meal.他为我们做了一顿可口的饭菜。麦克米伦高阶〔meal〕Thanks for a delicious meal.谢谢你美味可口的饭菜。牛津搭配〔mighty〕That was a mighty tasty dinner.那是一顿非常可口的晚餐。韦氏高阶〔nibble〕They served some delicious nibbles before dinner.他们在餐前上了些可口的小吃。韦氏高阶〔nice〕We had a nice meal.我们吃了一顿可口的饭菜。外研社新世纪〔nutty〕Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.鹰嘴豆有独特可口的坚果风味。柯林斯高阶〔palatable〕Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.合乎味道的;可口的美国传统〔perfect〕These recipes give perfect results every time.按照这些烹饪方法每次都能做出可口的饭菜。麦克米伦高阶〔perfume〕The meal included a delicate fish perfumed with butter and herbs.这顿饭有伴有香喷喷的香草黄油的清淡可口的鱼。韦氏高阶〔pig out〕We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.我们狼吞虎咽地吃着各种可口的蛋糕和点心。剑桥高阶〔produce〕She produced a wonderful dinner for us.她为我们做了一顿可口的晚饭。外研社新世纪〔put sth on〕She put on a wonderful meal for us.她为我们做了一顿可口的饭菜。剑桥高阶〔rather〕He had had an excellent dinner at a rather good local hotel.他已在当地一个相当不错的饭店里享用了一顿可口的晚餐。柯林斯高阶〔rustle up〕Many tasty and nutritious meals can be rustled up in next to no time.转眼之间就能准备好很多营养可口的饭菜。柯林斯高阶〔serve〕He served up a delicious meal.他端上一顿可口的饭菜。牛津高阶〔serve〕She served us a delicious lunch.她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午餐。牛津高阶〔stay in〕If I stay in my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.如果我呆在家里,男友就会做可口的卤汁面条啦、鸡肉啦,或者牛排。柯林斯高阶〔tasty〕Having a pleasing flavor; savory.美味可口的,滋味好的:具有一种宜人味道的;美味的美国传统〔tuck〕We all tucked into the delicious food.我们都大口吃着可口的饭菜。韦氏高阶〔uncomplicated〕I love good, fresh British cooking with its uncomplicated flavours.我喜欢新鲜可口的英式菜肴, 喜欢它的原汁原味。外研社新世纪〔unprepossessing〕We found the tastiest paella and tapas in the most unprepossessing bars and cafés.我们在最不起眼的酒吧和小餐厅里吃到了最可口的西班牙海鲜炒饭和下酒菜。外研社新世纪〔viand〕A very choice or delicious dish.珍馐美味:精致的上品或可口的食物美国传统〔when〕When ripe, these apples will be delicious.这些苹果成熟后味道将是很可口的英汉大词典〔whip〕She whipped up a delicious lunch for us in 15 minutes.她用了 15 分钟就给我们备好了一顿可口的午餐。牛津高阶〔with〕The day starts with a great American breakfast.以一顿非常可口的美式早餐开始新的一天。朗文当代〔wonder〕A good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders.一夜好觉再加上一顿可口的早餐令人精神焕发。牛津搭配After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp was left. 柳橙里的汁去掉后,只剩下不可口的肉了。译典通Although the outside of a passion fruit looks strange, the flesh inside is delicious.虽然西番莲子外部看上去很奇怪,里面的肉却是可口的剑桥国际Any leftover sauce can be tossed with plain cooked cubed chicken and water chestnuts for a tasty salad.任何剩余下来的调味料可以和用清水煮过的鸡丁及菱角拌在一起,做成美味可口的色拉。剑桥国际It's one of the most delicious cakes I've ever tasted but it's certainly not one for slimmers! 这是我吃过的最可口的蛋糕,但减肥者肯定吃不得。剑桥国际She bakes delicious bread using stone-ground flour.她用细磨面粉烘出了可口的面包。剑桥国际The guests raved about dinner. 客人们极力夸赞可口的饭菜。译典通The recipe uses a delicious cheese pie crust.菜谱用可口的奶酪馅饼皮。剑桥国际There are some yummy -looking desserts over there.那边有一些看上去非常可口的甜点。剑桥国际This wine has a delicious fruity flavour.这葡萄酒有可口的果味。剑桥国际We had a delicious prawn cocktail for the first course.第一道菜是可口的对虾鸡尾酒。剑桥国际We pigged out on the delicious cakes and pastries.我们大吃那些可口的蛋糕和点心。剑桥国际You needn't have worried about the dinner--it was absolutely delicious! 你不用为饭菜担心,它绝对是美味可口的剑桥国际

