
单词 口鼻
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beaked whale〕Any of various toothed whales of the family Ziphiidae, having a long beaklike snout and a small dorsal fin and inhabiting all of the oceans.啄鲸:剑吻鲸科的任一种齿鲸,有鸟啄状的长口鼻、小背鳍,并出没于所有海洋中美国传统〔collie〕A large dog of a breed originating in Scotland as a sheepdog, having long hair and a long, narrow muzzle.柯利狗:一种源于苏格兰的大牧羊犬,毛长,口鼻窄长美国传统〔distinguish〕A narrow and elongate snout distinguishes it from other genera.窄而细长的口鼻部使之与其他属的物种区别开来。外研社新世纪〔mask with〕Doctors working in an operating theatre have to mask their noses and mouths with a specially clean cloth.在手术室工作的医生必须用特制的消毒口罩蒙住口鼻21世纪英汉〔muffle〕The fleshy, hairless snout of certain mammals, such as ruminants.鼻唇:哺乳动物肉质的无毛口鼻部,如反刍动物美国传统〔muzzle〕The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.鼻口部:某些动物(比如狗)的头部向前突出的部分,包括嘴、鼻和下巴;(动物的)口鼻美国传统〔neb〕A beak of a bird.鸟喙鼻,口鼻美国传统〔rhinoceros〕Any of several large, thick-skinned, herbivorous mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae, of Africa and Asia, having one or two upright horns on the snout.犀牛:任一种大型厚皮食草的非洲或亚洲的犀牛科哺乳动物,口鼻部上长有一或两支直立的角美国传统〔snoot〕A snout or nose.口鼻部,鼻子美国传统〔snout〕The projecting nose, jaws, or anterior facial part of an animal's head.口鼻部,口吻:动物头部突出的鼻、颚或脸前部美国传统〔soft-shelled turtle〕Any of various freshwater turtles of the family Trionychidae, having a flat carapace covered with leathery skin and fleshy, elongated snout.软甲龟:一种属于鳖科的浅水龟,长有柔韧皮肤覆盖的、平坦的背甲和肉质的、细长的口鼻美国传统〔stop〕The depression between the muzzle and top of the skull of an animal, especially a dog.凹陷处:动物,尤指狗头脑上前额与口鼻之间的凹陷美国传统〔woodland caribou〕A large dark brown caribou with a light muzzle and heavily palmate antlers, inhabiting forested areas of Canada and the northwest United States.林地驯鹿:一种有小口鼻和掌状鹿角的深棕色大驯鹿,住在加拿大和美国西北部的林地地区美国传统Four of the gang held him down and chloroformed him (=held a piece of cloth with chloroform on it by his mouth and nose until he became unconscious).四个歹徒按住了他,用浸氯仿的布蒙住他的口鼻使他昏迷。剑桥国际The old dog had a grizzled muzzle. 那条老狗的口鼻部分有灰斑。译典通

