
单词 古柯碱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cocainism〕The habitual or excessive use of cocaine.古柯碱癖:习惯性地或过度地使用可卡因美国传统〔cocainize〕To anesthetize (a body part) with cocaine.用古柯碱麻醉:用古柯碱使(身体一部分)麻醉美国传统〔coca〕The dried leaves of such a plant, chewed by people of the Andes for a stimulating effect and also used for extraction of cocaine and other alkaloids.古柯叶:这种植物的干树叶,安第斯山脉的人们为寻求刺激作用而嚼碎,也用于提取古柯碱和其他生物碱美国传统〔crack baby〕An infant born to a mother who used crack cocaine during pregnancy.快克婴儿:在怀孕期间使用快克古柯碱的母亲所生的婴儿美国传统〔crack cocaine〕Chemically purified, very potent cocaine in pellet form that is smoked through a glass pipe and is considered highly and rapidly addictive.快克古柯碱:化学上被精炼、效力强的古柯碱,成颗粒状,透过玻璃管来吸食,也被认为是非常快速上瘾的美国传统〔crackhead〕A heavy user of crack cocaine.快克瘾君子:快克古柯碱的严重使用者美国传统〔snort〕Cocaine or heroin, especially a small amount sniffed at one time.一次吸完的古柯碱:柯卡因或海洛因,尤其指一次就抽完的美国传统

