
单词 商业价值
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bile salt〕A mixture, such as a commercial preparation derived from the bile of the ox, that is used medicinally as a hepatic stimulant or laxative.药用胆盐:一种可在医药上用作肝脏刺激剂或缓泻剂的混合物,如从公牛的胆汁中提取的有商业价值的制剂美国传统〔by-catch〕The portion of a fishing catch that is discarded as unwanted or commercially unusable.混获:因不想要或无商业价值而将捕获的一部分鱼类丢弃美国传统〔commercial〕Gibbons failed to see the commercial value of his discovery.吉本斯没有意识到自己的发现所具有的商业价值朗文当代〔developer〕The common land would have a high commercial value if sold to developers.公共用地卖给开发商后会有很高的商业价值外研社新世纪〔ermine〕The commercially valuable white fur of this animal.白鼬皮:这种动物具有商业价值的白色皮毛美国传统〔furbearer〕An animal whose skin is covered with fur, especially fur that is commercially valuable.尤指毛皮具有商业价值的长毛皮动物美国传统〔sample〕Here you can relax and sample life without the trappings of modern business.在这里你可以放松,可以体验没有现代商业价值标志的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔semiprecious stone〕A gem, such as an opal, that has commercial value but is not as rare or expensive as a precious stone.半宝石:具有商业价值但不如宝石罕见或昂贵的宝石,例如蛋白石美国传统〔timberland〕Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value.林地:尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地美国传统〔viability〕He questioned the commercial viability of the new product.他质疑这个新产品的商业价值外研社新世纪〔viable〕The company ensured that it had a commercially viable product which would appeal to children.该公司保证他们拥有一款既能吸引儿童又具有商业价值的产品。外研社新世纪Water has high utility but low commercial value.水具有很高的实用性,但商业价值很低。牛津商务

