
单词 enzymes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acrosome〕A caplike structure at the anterior end of a spermatozoon that produces enzymes aiding in egg penetration.精子头粒蛋白:一种在精子内前端的帽状结构,可产生帮助穿透卵子的酶美国传统〔aminopeptidase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the terminal peptide bond at the amino end of a polypeptide.胺基肽酵素,胺基肽酶:催化多肽胺基末端的终端肽键水解的任一种酶美国传统〔amylase〕A group of enzymes that are present in saliva, pancreatic juice, and parts of plants and help convert starch to sugar.淀粉酶:唾液、胰液及部分植物中存在的一组酶,可以促使淀粉转换成糖美国传统〔amylolysis〕Conversion of starch to sugars by the action of enzymes or acids.淀粉分解:通过酶或酸的作用把淀粉转变为糖美国传统〔apyrase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP, causing the release of phosphate and energy.三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶:催化ATP水解以释放磷酸盐和能量的过程的一种酶美国传统〔autophagy〕The process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of enzymes originating within the same cell.自体吞噬:细胞被产生于同一细胞内的酶所消化的过程美国传统〔biotransformation〕Chemical alteration of a substance within the body, as by the action of enzymes.生物转化:体内物质的化学转化,如通过酶的作用美国传统〔break up〕Enzymes help break up protein molecules.酶有助于分解蛋白质分子。韦氏高阶〔break〕These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。剑桥高阶〔captopril〕A drug used in the treatment of hypertension that functions by inhibiting the enzymes that activate angiotensin.卡普多普瑞尔:一种用于治疗高血压的药物,该药通过抑制激活高血压素的酶起作用美国传统〔carbohydrase〕Any of various enzymes, such as amylase, that catalyze the hydrolysis of a carbohydrate.糖酶:任何一种在碳水化合物的水解作用中起催化作用的酶,如淀粉酶美国传统〔cathepsin〕Any of various proteolytic enzymes found in animal tissue that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins into polypeptides.组织蛋白酶:一种见于动物组织中的起蛋白水解作用的酶,能催化蛋白质水解转化为多肽美国传统〔cellulase〕Any of several enzymes produced chiefly by fungi, bacteria, and protozoans that catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose.纤维素酶:由真菌、细菌和原生动物产生的能促进纤维素水解的一种酶美国传统〔collagenase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of collagen and gelatin.胶原酶:一种催化骨胶原和胶水解的酶美国传统〔combat〕These enzymes are important in the combat against bacteria.这些酶在与细菌的斗争中起着重要作用。麦克米伦高阶〔compound〕Honey is basically a compound of water, two types of sugar, vitamins and enzymes.蜂蜜基本上是水、两种糖、几种维生素和酶的混合物。柯林斯高阶〔curd〕The part of milk that coagulates when the milk sours or is treated with enzymes. Curd is used to make cheese.凝乳:牛奶的一部分,在牛奶发酵或用酶进行处理时凝结。凝乳被用来制作干酪美国传统〔decarboxylase〕Any of various enzymes that hydrolize the carboxyl radical.脱羧酶:酶的一种,可水解羧基酸美国传统〔endonuclease〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of bonds between nucleic acids in the interior of a DNA or an RNA sequence.核酸内切酶:在DNA或RNA系列内部催化核酸键解的任何酶群美国传统〔endopeptidase〕Any of a large group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in the interior of a polypeptide chain or protein molecule.肽链内切酶:在多肽链或蛋白分子内部加速肽键水解的任何较大的酶群美国传统〔enzymology〕The branch of science that deals with the biochemical nature and activity of enzymes.酶学:研究酶的生化特性及其活动的一种学科美国传统〔esterase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of an ester.酯酶:几种不同的酵素,能对酯的水解起到催化作用美国传统〔exonuclease〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of single nucleotides from the end of a DNA or RNA chain.核酸外切酶:从脱氧核糖核酸链或核糖核酸链的末端催化单核苷酸水解的一种酶美国传统〔exopeptidase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of single amino acids from the end of a polypeptide chain.链肽端解酶:能使肽链末端氨基酸形成的肽键水解的一组酶之一美国传统〔flavoprotein〕Any of a group of enzymes containing flavin bound to protein and acting as dehydrogenation catalysts in biological reactions.黄素蛋白:由黄素与蛋白质相结合的任一类脱氢酶,在生化反应中作为脱氢反应的催化剂美国传统〔heterolysis〕Biology Dissolution of cells or protein components in one species by the action of lysins or enzymes from another.【生物学】 异种溶解:一种物种中的细胞或蛋白质化合物因另一种物种中的赖氨酸或酶的作用的溶解美国传统〔isomerase〕One of a group of enzymes that catalyzes the conversion of one isomer into another.异构酶:一种能对一种异构体转化为另一种异构体进行催化物的一组酶美国传统〔kinase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from a donor, such as ADP or ATP, to an acceptor.激酶:能催化施体,例如,ADP或ATP中的磷酸酯转化给接受体的各种酶美国传统〔lactate dehydrogenase〕Any of a class of enzymes found in the liver, kidneys, striated muscle, and heart muscle that catalyze the reversible interconversion of pyruvate and lactate.乳酸脱氢酶:任一种存在于肝、肾、横纹肌或心肌中的含锌酶,能促成丙酮酸酶与乳酸酯的可逆性化学反应美国传统〔lecithinase〕Any of several enzymes that hydrolyze lecithin.卵磷脂酶:任一种能够水解卵磷脂的酶美国传统〔lipase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of fats into glycerol and fatty acids.脂(肪)酶:一种能促进脂肪水解形成甘油和脂肪酸的酶类美国传统〔lysosome〕A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.溶酶体:一种被膜包住的小器官,存在于大多数细胞的细胞质中,内含多种水解酶,在细胞内消化中起作用美国传统〔nuclease〕Any of several enzymes, such as endonucleases and exonucleases, that hydrolize nucleic acids.核酸酶:水解核酸的酶,如核酸内切酶和核酸外切酶美国传统〔oxidase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze oxidation, especially an enzyme that reacts with molecular oxygen to catalyze the oxidation of a substrate.氧化酶:起催化氧化作用的任意一种酶,尤指一种与分子氧气反应来催化氧化作用物的酶美国传统〔pancreatic juice〕A clear, alkaline secretion of the pancreas containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.胰液:澄清的碱性胰分泌物,含有促进消化蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪的酶美国传统〔pancreatin〕A mixture of the enzymes of pancreatic juice, such as amylase, lipase, and trypsin, extracted from animals such as cattle or hogs and used as a digestive aid.胰酶:胰液中酶的混合物,如淀粉酶、脂酶和胰蛋白酶,从牛或猪等动物身上提炼出来,用作助消化美国传统〔penicillinase〕Any of various enzymes, produced by certain bacteria, that hydrolyze penicillin and are used in medicine to treat allergic reactions to penicillin.青霉素酶:一种由某种细菌产生的可使青霉素水解的酶,用作制对青霉素过敏的药物美国传统〔peroxidase〕Any of a group of enzymes that occur especially in plant cells and catalyze the oxidation of a substance by a peroxide.过氧化物酶:一组酶中的任一种,尤出现于植物细胞中,并通过氧化物来催化氧化物质美国传统〔peroxisome〕A cell organelle containing enzymes, such as catalase and oxidase, that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.过氧物酶体:一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,能够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解美国传统〔phospholipase〕Any of several enzymes that hydrolyze specific ester bonds in phospholipids.水解磷脂酶,磷脂酵素:各类可水解磷脂中特定酯键的酶美国传统〔polymerase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the formation of polynucleotides of DNA or RNA using an existing strand of DNA or RNA as a template.聚合酶:一种催化脱氧核糖核酸或核糖核酸的多聚核苷酸生成的酶,它利用一段既成的脱氧核糖核酸或核糖核酸作为核酸的模子美国传统〔protease〕Any of various enzymes, including the proteinases and peptides, that catalyze the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins.蛋白酶:任一种催化蛋白质水解的酶,包括蛋白酶和肽美国传统〔proventriculus〕The division of the stomach in birds that secretes digestive enzymes and passes food from the crop to the gizzard.前胃:鸟类胃的一部分,分泌消化酶,把食物从嗉囊排到胗美国传统〔repressor〕Genetics A protein that binds to an operator, blocking transcription of an operon and the enzymes for which the operon codes.【遗传学】 阻遏物:结合在操纵基因上的一种蛋白,阻止操纵子以及操纵子的酶的转录美国传统〔sulfatase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfuric acid esters and are found in animal tissues and bacteria.硫酸酯酶:一种催化硫酸脂水解的酶,存在于动物组织中和细菌中美国传统〔synthesize〕Glands synthesize the enzymes.腺体会合成酶。韦氏高阶〔transaminase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze transamination.转氨酶:一种能引起氨基转移作用的酶美国传统〔transferase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a chemical group, such as a phosphate or an amine, from one molecule to another.转化酶:任一种在从一种分子到另一种分子的转录过程中起催化作用的酶,如磷脂或胺美国传统〔xeroderma pigmentosum〕A rare hereditary skin disorder caused by a defect in the enzymes that repair DNA damaged by ultraviolet light.着色性干皮病:一种罕见的遗传性皮肤病,由于修补DNA的有瑕疵的酶被紫外线所破坏而引起的失调美国传统〔zymogram〕A strip or band of electrophoretic medium showing the pattern of enzymes or isoenzymes after their separation by electrophoresis.酶谱:电泳媒质的谱带,电泳分裂后显出酶或同酶素的图案美国传统These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。剑桥国际

